Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top 12 Results Show

Alright, back for the Top 12 Results Show. And the awkwardness continues between Ryan and Simon, but the announcement about the Judge's Save is made.

The Judge's Save: It's okay that it's back, but it would only get used this week on Crystal or Michael. The contestants get to choose from their past performances what they would like to sing, they don't have to necessarily sing the song that put them in the position they are in, which makes a lot more sense.

Musical Interlude #1: David Cook-Jumping Jack Flash. Obviously, The Rolling Stones didn't return American Idol's phone calls to come and perform. I don't blame them. I mean I'm sure only the Rolling Stones' grandchildren..oops...I mean wives watch the show. David Cook obviously has nothing to promote so he gets the great opportunity to come on and prove that he doesn't have to be in those lame ass Ford commercials anymore(which are just as lame as always).

Onto the Results:
-In the Bottom 3. Figured she would be, she looked for the sympathy vote but didn't get it. The American audience knew that she wasn't good, now they want her to know that they know that she isn't very good, so now she knows.

Lee, Siobhan, Aaron-All Safe, and I am glad that Aaron washed out whatever gook was in his hair, now he doesn't have to worry about poking anyone's eye out and getting sued.

Andrew v Tim-If Andrew goes to Bottom 3 he could be gone. But, Tim is in. Andrew gets another week to show off his chops by singing "I Am Woman Hear Me Roar". ''

Didi-She's safe. Hopefully she starts dressing a little bit hotter, but other than that she's doing really well.

Crystal, Katie, Michael-All Safe, and Crystal is still pissed off and she might have told the judges off a little bit, not sure, but definitely could have, she's gotta watch that this early on.

Lacey v Casey-Although Ryan never gave his recap on Lacey she is in the Bottom 3 and Kara gets another week to call Casey dirt. Does anyone else remember when she called him dirt? Yep, she really did.

Solid Bottom 3: Paige, Tim and Lacey. All deserve to be there, any of them to go.

First Saved: Tim, alright my pick is gone but his time will definitely come.

Musical Interlude #3: What the hell's a Kesha and why is she trying to be Lady Gaga?

And The Person Going Home Is: Lacey. Paige lives on to another day, cementing the fact that at least Tim or Paige will be in the Top 10 and on the American Idol Concert. Wow.

Do The Judge's Save Her? Nope, Despite the chance to be saved by the judges Lacey deservedly goes home tonight.

We'll see you next Tuesday after the next new American Idol.

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