Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 9(Again): Elvis Week

Welcome back to the Top 9 Performance show, yes, it was Top 9 last week, but the Judge's Save was used, possibly irresponsibly, but either way here we are, and on we go.

We first learn that it is Elvis week. The contestants got to go to Las Vegas to see the Elvis Cirque de Soleil, which is kind of cool, anything Soleil is cool in my book. In Las Vegas we also see Adam Lambert as the mentor. They say explicitly over and over that he was a great performer and that was the reason he was chosen as mentor. He definitely was one of the most different performers American Idol ever had. So with only a 90 minute show tonight on we go.

How Did The Contestants Do:

Crystal(Saved): She finally has the lead-off spot tonight, even Adam Lambert had to do it once. She is singing a song I am not familiar with so it sounds original to me. The judge's need to be overly nice to her this week. Not only does she have the lead off spot, but she is singing a song that probably is not as well known and they used the Judge's Save last week, there is no wiggle room. Luckily, she sings the song really well and has another really solid performance. She'll be safe this week. Grade=A-

Andrew(Hound Dog): During the mentor session Adam Lambert tells Andrew that his performance was boring. Adam told him to "step up your game", and unfortunately he didn't do that at all. The song didn’t go anywhere, the song itself is relatively simple, obviously popular, but Andrew had another extremely corny performance. There was just nothing to it. The judge's pan him again, he had a better performance last week and he landed in the Bottom 3, there is no reason why he won't be there again and with two people going home he could be one of them. Grade=D

Tim(Can't Helping Fall In Love With You): A very toned down performance by Tim this week. I feel his voice keeps hitting different ranges, he goes from kind of low to relatively high. Adam gave his opinion about how Tim should end the song, he decided not to follow it. The judges seem to enjoy Tim again this week, saying he has gone from zero to hero in just a short amount of time. They think he changed the song around a bit and made it his own. I might be hearing something a bit differently but it seems that Tim is probably safe again. Grade=C

Lee(A Little Less Conversation): Adam was right on the money again with his critique about Lee. He said that nothing is going on from the neck up, performance wise. He is right, and although Lee definitely is a bit more animated this week he still seems a bit stiff. The vocals were really decent and he made it a very current sounding song, which is what they stress every week, so overall really well done. Grade=B+

Aaron(Blue Suede Shoes): For some strange reason Aaron decides to tell us that he doesn't know why he chose this song, my feeling is that nobody put a gun to your head. He didn't have to choose it, and he probably shouldn't have. It was definitely a karaoke performance again. Sure he did something different than he has been but honestly it was terrible and sorry to say but Aaron should be going home tomorrow. Grade=D

Siobhan(Suspicious Minds): Called the female version of Adam Lambert it is interesting to see the two of them together. Adam tried to make Siobhan's performance more upbeat rather than sleepy and unfortunately Siobhan mixed the two together. She definitely sounded like she had two different voices and both weren't so great. It was definitely a little screechy at points. Siobhan has been a pretty decent lock for Top 3 but these past few weeks have really dropped her and she is in a little bit of danger. Not sure she will go home but she can definitely be in the Bottom 3. Grade=C+

Michael(In the Ghetto): After almost getting kicked off the show last week, only to be (improperly) saved by the judges Michael is back. Sporting his guitar he is playing a very slowed down version of the song. It's pretty unrecognizable and I know this song pretty well. I don't really like when I can't hear the original in it at all. He probably is safe this week but if the fans voted him out last week you never do know. Grade=B-

Katie(Baby, What You Want Me To Do?): I never heard of this song before which always works to their advantage because they can't be compared to the original as quickly. I hate when she does that head bob thing and gives off her sassitude(sassy attitude) personality. But her vocals were solid and with so many guys left I don't see her going anywhere. Grade=B

Casey(Lawdy Miss.Clawdy): Adam advises Casey to work on the arrangement and utilizing his voice in the best way. Although his vocals hit places where they didn't go a few weeks ago, it wasn't extremely interesting. His guitar wasn't really being amplified and heard and the whole performance kind of fell short. He should be safe due to being really great last week but he was nowhere close to that this week. Grade=B

How Was The Show Overall? Much better than last week. Even though it was Elvis week and he was and still is an iconic figure, there was even more pressure on the contestants during Beatles week last week. This week the contestants seem to have a bit more fun and were able to play around a little more. The voices maybe weren't as strong or interesting but the performances were definitely up, and that's definitely attributed to Adam Lambert's great mentoring. I give him a lot of credit. I kind of panned the idea of a past non-winner American Idol contestant giving feedback and being a mentor but Lambert did a really nice job. He was pretty much right on the money and was very important to several performances tonight. Despite a very misguided and misplaced Brian Dunkleman joke by Ryan, he was overall less awkward than he has been the past few weeks. I still don't think he should have mentioned Brian Dunkleman, the guy lost out on millions of dollars and fame because he left the show after Season 1, don't you think he's gotten kicked while he's down enough at this point?

Who Should Go Home? 2 People Going Home this week, those people should be Andrew and Aaron. They, like last week, again were the weakest performances and that's saying a lot with this crew. Although Siobhan is fading quickly from favorite to down in the ranks, I don't think it is her week yet, but you never know. Michael was actually voted out by the viewers so it's possible he doesn't have the fans that he thought he did, so if is gone or in Bottom 3 there would be no suprise there either. But if all things are right(which they haven't really been too much this season) Andrew and Aaron should be going home.

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