Otherwise tonight's blog will only feature the Top 7 Results and critiques about the kicked off contestant. A few years back when they did Idol Gives Back they didn't kick anyone off, hopefully that is different tonight because after saving Michael a couple weeks back they are in need of kicking people off.
Let's Get To The Results:
--Crystal & Casey are asked to the center of the stage first.
Casey-In the Bottom 3.
--Aaron & Lee are asked to the center of the stage next.
Aaron-In the Bottom 3
--Tim, Siobhan and Michael still await word on where they stand. So far the results are pretty perfect and right on the money.
Now Let's Get Back To The Results:
--Michael, Tim & Siobhan are asked to the center of the stage
--This ensures a guy will be going home tonight
Tim-In the Bottom 3
Bottom 3:
--This is probably the best Bottom 3 I could hope for. Any of these guys going is going to help the show a tremendous amount next week.
First Safe?: Aaron.
Who's Going Home?: Tim
Final Thoughts: Well it took all of these weeks but Tim is finally gone. Tim-Smiles Like a Goon-Urban is finally off the show. He honestly didn't deserve to last so long but I give him a lot of credit for getting so far. Whomever was voting for him really did an unbelievable job. It seems quite appropriate that Tim is voted out the same week that Sanjaya (from Season 6)a very similar type of character, getting the teen vote and can kind of sort of sing, was also voted out. Luckily for us(as viewers) we didn't have to listen to another Tim performance at the end, so American Idol really did give back tonight.

We'll see you next week when we will see the contestants take on the songbook of guest mentor Shania Twain. Should be interesting.
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