Group Performance: The group is definitely not singing, they seem like a second behind. When will American Idol learn that the group performance is just dreadful? Nobody likes it, we all know they aren’t singing and it’s just too forced. It’s like a kung fu movie, the song comes out and then their lips move. C’mon now. Lame.
Onto The Results:
Casey, Aaron & Andrew are first called to the center of the stage: One of these people might be going. Ryan starts talking to Andrew about something random and then all of a sudden he tells him he is gone. He wasn't really able to pull himself away from "Straight Up" in Hollywood week. It was a blessing but definitely a curse. Sure it got him to the Top 9 but he just could never overcome it and he struggled. He gave a classy, gracious good-bye.
They show a promo for American Idol Gives back since next week's when it will be shown. They do a lot of great work for these causes. I kind of wish it wasn't in the middle of the results show, but I understand why they do it then. I give them all the credit in the world.
Musical Interlude #1: Brooke White & Justin Gaston. Never heard of Justin Gaston but I liked Brooke White during her season. Her voice sounds great but this song with the 2 of them sounds terrible. Something you would see on the Jerry Lewis Telethon. They sound brutal. He doesn't have much of a voice, wow.
All the rest of the contestants are brought to the center of the stage(Lee, Siobhan, Katie, Michael, Crystal & Tim). I hate when Ryan asks these awkward questions to the contestants he's about to tell the results to.
Crystal: First one safe. Not sure if she should have brought the harmonica with her, looks a little cocky, but either way she is safe again, and rightfully so.
Siobhan: 2nd safe. She had an off week and is still safe, she has had plenty of good weeks and she was afforded an off week.
Lee: 3rd safe. Ryan walks with Lee and sits down with him at the seats. Again, really strange, but either way Lee is safe.
The final 3 consists of Katie, Michael & Tim. These 3 aren't the Bottom 3 obviously since Andrew was in the Bottom 3, but one of these 3 are definitely going home. Did I say 3 enough times right there?
Musical Interlude #2: Guest mentor Adam Lambert singing his hit song Whatta Ya Want From Me? I actually like the song. I give him a lot of credit he is a great performer, he always was and still is. The lights and smoke make it incredibly hard to see him. They have to zoom really close to see him otherwise you can't see him, they can't do any far shots. One of the crew members got a little too happy with the fog machine. Either way I enjoyed his performance and version of the song.
Back To The Results:
First One Sent Back To Safety: Tim.
Who's Going Home: Katie. Michael wasn't even in the Bottom 2.
Final Reaction: Andrew definitely deserved to go home. Katie probably didn't deserve to go home, and it's possible the Save might have been used on her if it wasn't saved on Michael last week. But she wasn't going to win the show, not even close. So we are left with 2 girls and 5 guys. Wow. And Tim and Aaron are still on the show. I leave you all with that thought.

Have a great week, and we will see you next week when Alicia Keyes will be the guest mentor while the contestants sing Inspirational songs.
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