Welcome back. Tonight we will learn if another contestant is leaving the competition or if the one-time Judge's Save will be utilized. We predicted Sam, CJ and Dexter in the Bottom 3 with CJ going home, but we think because no one had a really terrible night and that the 'Save' will be utilized. We shall see shortly in another 30 minute broadcast. It's unfortunate that last night's ratings were at only 8.8 million people because it was a good episode. Anyways, let's get to tonight's show:
Results #1
Ford Idol Journey
So instead of getting the idiotic Ford Commercial performance we instead get the contestants telling us of the first time they drove a car in a Ford. Wow. That's some creative P.R people. I know it was only about 45 seconds but that's 45 seconds too much.
Performance of The Night
Chris Daughtry with his aptly named band Daughtry is performing their new song "Waiting For Superman". He actually gave some pretty great advice during that ridiculous Randy Jackson mentor session. I wish that we saw more Idol alums giving advice and being the mentor, because from everything I have seen and read Randy is giving little to no advice, and any advice he is giving is being recieved well after decisions have already been made and the performance is almost locked. Anyway, back to the song Daughtry is performing, it's good. If you like Daughtry's past songs then you would like this new song. Very catchy and he sounds really good, and he is a great performer.
Results #2
SAFE= Jessica
Bottom 3
1. Malaya
2. CJ
3. Sam
In Danger of Going Home=Sam
Was The Judge's Save Used=Yes. As predicted Sam is saved from going home. I don't understand the crazy hysterics afterwards by the other contestants. Don't they know that if they are in the bottom any week they are going home? There is no save left for them. Plus there was confetti like the dude just won the show. What? He didn't earn that save with that song. He didn't even seem that excited to be given that save. This was a very specific vote by the audience, it wasn't an accident he was there. The save should be used on people that the judges think deserve another chance because the audience made a mistake, not just because the save is there so why not?
Our Season Prediction Totals
Bottom 3= 2 of 3 Tonight. 11 out of 18 in Total.
Going Home= 0 of 1 Tonight. 2 of 6 in Total.
Final Thoughts
*As I slightly mentioned above, the save should only be used on people the judges think could win the whole thing. As much as I thought the save was gonna be used, the fact that Sam has been in the Bottom 3 or 2 for weeks now proves that the audience is not connecting with him. It's not like this is the first time Sam landed in the Bottom 3. He has been there many times. If someone like Caleb or Alex had the least amount of votes then I think the save would be utilized properly because they haven't been near the Bottom 3 yet. This was a mistake that I knew was gonna happen.
*Again Dexter is not even in the Bottom 3. Who is voting for Dexter? I know he had a decent night last night, but some of the other contestants have such a better body of work, like with Malaya. Malaya had a great solo performance and a tough duet performance with Sam, I wonder if that did factor into this vote.
*That final song performance means nothing. As soon as Ryan announces the Bottom 3 you can see the judges talk about if so and so is bottom what they are gonna do. They probably in the back of their heads, at least, know who they are willing to give the save to, and who aren't they.
*Honestly, I don't want to keep going on about it, but what is the point of Randy? He has the best job ever. We have learned he doesn't interact with the contestants until very late in the process every week. He sits on stage but doesn't really speak unless it's for some silly reason. He doesn't even give his thoughts of the contestants and all the while gets paid for it. I know that the results show is now only 30 minutes long, but I am sure it wouldn't take much for him to give a 10-15 second recap on each contestant. I miss former mentor Jimmy Iovine on the show. I know he was a divisive kind of guy, but I almost always enjoyed his thoughts and opinions, especially when he disagreed with the judges. Randy's role on the show this year really is a waste.
*As always our favorite performance of the night is featured below. Tonight we have chosen Jessica Meuse. Her original was fantastic. So check it out if you haven't done so already:
That's it. As predicted the save was used. No more saves for the season. If someone is out they are out. No more safety net. So we will see you next week for Top 8 Redux. So until next time, see ya!
Like you, I predicted the save would definitely be used. I agree that it was used in the wrong way for the wrong person. I was very surprised to see Sam at the bottom only because of his popularity with the young girls and that they usually dominate the vote population. Sam has a great voice at times but is very awkward and not a good performer. His career would have launched much more successfully if he waited 2-3 years to audition for the show (in order to mature and work out the kinks in his delivery). The confetti was completely ridiculous and an insult to the eventual winner. I'm sad to think that the save was wasted and that one of the frontrunners could now leave the show without a chance for a save. It is likely one of two things will happen. Sam will leave next week (or the week after) and the save will have been completely a waste or Sam will get more attention from this week's focus and will make it much farther than other more deserving competitors. Thanks, as always, for the recap.