Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great week. We are on to our second week of American Idol. Tonight's episode is a typical two-hour show, and tomorrow's episode is our first one-hour show of the season. Tonight we will continue our recap of some of the more notable contestants, good and bad, and provide a list of every contestant that either makes it to Hollywood or is sent home. We hope you enjoy. So let's get to it:
Keri Lynn Roche(24)-Her first note hit me. I think she is cool, her voice is soulful but really pretty and powerful at the same time. She sings "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. Keith asks to hear her without the guitar and she sings "I'd Rather Go Blind", you can really hear her great voice during this song. Good call by Keith to have her switch it up. She's one of my favorites of the day, it doesn't matter that she's the first one. She is going to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"I like your style and how you emote....It's not typical"
Malaya Watson(15)-Not only is she a good singer but she is a High School Tuba Player. Her voice is very pure, but is still young. She definitely has something there but not there all the way yet. Keith, Harry and Jennifer all can't wait to see how she does in Hollywood. They think she will develop and turn into an even better singer than she already is.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"Can't wait to see the transformation that you're about to go through".
Bryan Watt(29)- He is a good looking guy, and he decides to sing Carrie Underwood's "So Small". He has a sweet voice. He gets a little thin when he goes up for the big note, but overall it's an incredibly solid performance. I like him a lot.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"It was a confident easy performance. I know why...you're Superman aren't ya?...He looks like a Super Hero...Bring the cape to Hollywood".
Melanie Porras(19)- We learn that she is raised by a single father. He is also a singer that brought her on tour with him. She decides to sing "Fever". I like her a lot instantly. She can play guitar and her voice is fun. But not fun enough because Jennifer asked her to sing again and she chose the extreme opposite of "Fever" by singing "Dead or Alive". During this song her voice really starts to groove. It is powerful and has that gravel-y kind of sound. All 3 judges send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"I can see you recording records"
Liam Newberry(18)-He is the youngest looking dude with old person's voice I have seen. He loves Harry Connick Jr and his voice is reminiscent, kinda. Jennifer doesn't like that it's a little too straight down the middle. The judges don't think that he is ready and do not send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH- "There's a sexiness in that kind of sound and it wasn't there".
Jade Lathan(20)-She sings "You Know I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse. She has confidence and a voice, a perfect combination. The whole performance was really cool, and professional. She knows she is good, but isn't cocky about it. The judges eat up the whole thing. They loved it and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment:HARRY-"I don't want to patronize you but you are absolutely adorable".
Maurice Townsend(26)- He is a husband, father of 4 and a full time student, a lot on his plate and he decides to sing "So High" by John Legend. He has style, and a pleasant voice. His voice is just really nice to the ear. Keith is all over this voice. He is mesmerized by every word he sings. He has 3 boys and a baby girl who are adorable. I think this guy is so cool, and I can't wait to see him again.
Notable Comment: KEITH-"I just sat back and enjoyed the show".
Also Going To Hollywood
Julian Miller(18)-He has a pleasant enough voice and some style and nice swag.
Olivia Diamond(22)-Powerful voice. A little boring a times, but decent.
Paris Primaeu(16)-She has pink hair and has a great powerful voice.
Khristian D'Avis(22)-She's pretty but her voice is very thin and not that powerful. It's a weird performance. She had an accent when she walked and then lost it towards the end. Weird. Very weird.
Jena Asciutto(17)- A very pleasant voice.She sounds really nice. Very promising.
Sarah Scherb(19)-She can sing, but it doesn't do too much for me.
Sydney Arterbridge(15)-There's a point in the song "Loving You"where there is a really high screetchy point in the song. Sydney hits it.
Also Going Home
Samantha Furtwengler(18)-Is young and doesn't have it all yet.
David Oliver Willis(22) He is a returning contestant that made it to Las Vegas rounds and was cut. I remember him. We didn't see a lot of him before that round, and that particular performance wasn't so great. I am glad that we get to see him this time around, because he has a really nice voice and he can play the guitar really well. I like it, not my favorite of the show, but still really good.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"The guitar playing drives your vehicle, but I'm nervous that American Idol is gonna make him put down his guitar and I don't know what's gonna happen".
Karlita and Rakita Gulledge(19) Another set of twins. They believe they have natural talent, I believe they do not. They think they can sing, I do not think that way. They do have one thing right, they both have the same voice and have the same talent. None.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"What were the first words of that song?[I'm screaming out]...and boy were you ever...that was just a minute of screaming".
Hollywood or Home Contestant
We see a young girl sing "Waking Up In Vegas" and she doesn't sound good. I think she is going home. The 51% of the people at home tweeting feel that she is going home. We find out she is going home. I get it right, which means absolutely nothing.
Ethan Harris(20)-He looks 12 even though he is saying he is 20. Ethan decides to sing "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban. Singing one of the judges' songs works about half of the time, this time he does a more pop version of this country song. I don't really get what he is wearing and his haircut, but he is good enough to get to Hollywood and the judges send him there.
Notable Comment: HARRY/KEITH-"He's the lost Osmond brother...Ronny".
Ayla Stackhouse(17) She was born in Detroit moved to Hollywood, travels back to Detroit to audition in the hopes of going back to Hollywood. A little round about but I am glad that she came back to Detroit. I like that she sings "Wings"by Little Mix, which is originally a song that has multiple performers. She is sweet but is also confident, and real.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"Barry Gordy(founder of Motown) would think she has some potential"
Ryan Nisbett(24) His entire look is crazy. I don't have a picture of this guy, but to describe him:He has the mustache of an 1890s salesman, he is sporting glasses that a 1950s professor might have, his hair is that of a cartoon character and his wardrobe is mixed between winter and summer. I kind of hope that if he makes it to Hollywood he will pick one style and go with it. But he has a pleasant enough voice. It's something you don't hear all that time. It's masculine and feminine.It's soulful and pop and all different things in one. The judges love him and send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"You are Sui Generis. It means one of a kind. Your style, your sound all of it".
Marrialle Sellers(17) Very very odd. Someone dropped the ball here. We saw her performance last week. In fact, she was the very first contestant we saw in the premiere. We didn't get her backstory then, which we do now, but we saw her perform last week. I don't understand why they are showing us this now, when we saw this last time. Did they think we forgot in a week? This is crazy. I don't even know what to say with this one. They must really like her to show her twice. My opinion on her is in the recap from last week.
Also Going To Hollywood
Brandy Neely(18)-Former Idol contestant, I don't remember her, but she is ok.
Leah Guerrero(21)-She has a cool look, her voice is a little wobbly, but that could get fixed.
Zach Day(19)-He does a little too much in a short amount of time.
Symphony Howlett(24)-Seems a little affected. Goes for it, but doesn't hit it.
Eric Gordon(27)Good looking guy, with a really soulful groovy sound.
Also Going Home
Blake Soles(22)-He sings okay, and is a good guitarist, but doesn't have enough.
Xavier Calvillo(25)-His beard is intense, and so is his voice. Not bad, but not horrible. But his desperate-ness ruins the whole thing for me.
Tony Delbarrio(29)-Not good when you don't know the words and can't hit the sound.
Jade Lanthan and Maurice Townsend. I liked them both. They each have very distinctive voices and styles and are memorable. I hope they both make it a far ways. They both have that confidence you want in a contestant, but aren't cocky or anything like that. They really made tonight's episode stand out.
40 From Detroit. 119 Altogether.
Final Thoughts
*I'm just so confused. The episode was a good one, the judges, especially Harry did well again, but they repeated a contestant's performance. Not only was Marialle Sellers a contestant from last week, but she was the very first contestant of the season. I just don't get it, and it kind of messes with the whole night. Did they really have no one better to finish up this episode? Did someone not pay attention? Strange to say the least. I have watched every season of Idol and I don't think that's ever happened before.
* A lot of good talent tonight. Jade Lanthan, Maurice Townsend, Keri Lynne Roache, Melanie Porras. Each of them really stood out for me tonight. They each have a very distinctive voice, style and personality.I hope each of them do well once they get to Hollywood.
That's it. Night 3 of Auditions is done. We will be back here tomorrow for Night 4. The episode tomorrow is only 1 hour so it should fly by. So until then, see ya!
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