Thursday, January 30, 2014
Auditions Part 6: Omaha
Welcome back. Tonight is the final night of Auditions. I'm ready to get moving on with the shows, as great as this season's audition episodes have been, it's time to really cut down on some of the contestants. We have had almost 200 contestants going to Hollywood so it's time to really start moving. But before we do we have one more round. It is a one hour show so the episode should fly by. So let's get to it:
Quaid Edwards(21). He is the son of a band that performed with Keith Urban many years ago. He sings "A Change Is Gonna Come". He probably does a little too much with the song. He never fully settles in to the song and his voice never gets comfortable in it. I do think he has a good quality to his voice, he just needs work. Jennifer, Keith and Harry all think that he does way too much in the song, despite sounding good in parts. Quaid listens to the judges and takes it all in. The judges like him just enough and want to see where he can go and send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"You Look Great, You Sound Good, There Are Some Inconsistencies...You don't hit all the notes all the time..but I do like you".
Madisen Walker (15). When she first walked in I thought she was about 20, not 15. She goes for Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats". I think she has a nice voice, but it is still inexperienced at times. The judges are indecisive about her and doesn't know if she make it that far. Despite their thoughts that she isn't quite ready they do give her another shot and her a Golden Ticket. I think another year or two would help her.
Notable Comment: KEITH- "You sang a nice karaoke version...There's nothing that made it stand out, and made it really you".
Alyssa Siebken (20). I don't really know what she sang but she sang it super quick, I couldn't really tell what song she was singing, nor could I tell how her voice sounded. I think it's a rap song that she made into an acoustic song. Harry doesn't think her voice is strong enough, Keith wants to see where she will go and Jennifer says Yes, like always. I really wasn't impressed with Alyssa's audition. I think she could have a voice, but I couldn't tell based on that audition.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"What got me was the towards the end when the pace picked up and you had the breath to do that...that was what was impressive".
Tyler Gurwicz(25). There was a few moments in this audition that I liked, but it was inconsistent. He decides to sing Adele's "Set Fire To The Rain". The judges don't really know what to think of Tyler. He has a big voice, and in parts was good, but then there were parts that weren't. Keith says "No" and Jennifer says "Yes" and then Harry says "No". But it doesn't end there. Harry tells him that if he can sing another song and sing it well then he'll send him through, he doesn't believe he can sing any way other than how he sang that song. Tyler has a tough time figuring out another song to sing and goes with "Grace" by Jeff Buckley, it's a little better, and with that Harry sends him through. We'll see what happens to Tyler.
Notable Comment: HARRY- "I don't know where I would try to place you on American's hard to describe.
Tyler Marshall (23). Jennifer thinks that Tyler goes to church with "Proud Mary". I liked it, didn't love it, probably want to hear more to give a definitive answer. But for a 10 or 15 second audition it was nicely done.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"We don't want to waste your were was entertaining and nice to hear".
C.J Jones(20). Harry asks C.J what song he is gonna sing and when C.J says "Stand By Me", Harry says "No I have to stay here" in return C.J says "No, get over here". Then Harry hilariously decides to stand next to C.J during his audition and is his back up dancer. What's even better than that is that C.J actually has a good voice, and isn't intimidated by Harry Connick Jr standing right next to him during the whole thing. It's a pretty fun audition. The judges send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH-"It's a pleasing voice to hear".
Paula Hunt (20). She is part of the Air Force and sings for the Air Force Heartland Band.They travel to different places around the country, singing for families who's relatives are overseas. It's pretty awesome and just a nice thing to do. Paula decides to sing Etta James' "All I Can Do Is Cry". I don't love the song choice, but I really dig her voice. It has a great melodic sound to it, and you can tell she knows how to sing.Harry thinks she knows what she is doing with her voice. The judges love her voice and everything about her and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER- "You sing so have such a talent and hasn't even begun to blossom".
Andrina Brogden (18). She has just a classic, nice voice while sing Beyonce's "Halo". It doesn't blow you over, and doesn't make you jump up and down. The judges sense a lot of fear and shyness in her voice. Harry thinks that she has a nice voice but not strong enough for the show. The other 2 believe that she is holding back, and is scared and has much more. I tend to agree with Keith and Jennifer on this one. I think her quality of voice is there and she can maybe get a little less nervous and more confident as the show goes on. All but Harry send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"You are singing from have shy moments...are you gonna be able to be fearless?".
Christian Scholl (20). He is a square dancing caller and should probably stick with that. He sings "On The Road Again". He does about 12 seconds and it's a brutal one. He just kinda talks through the song. Really not good. The judges are speechless in a bad way. A No Go for Christian.
Notable Comment: None, they just kinda stare at him.
Tessa Kate(25). She decides to sing "Folsom Prison" by Johnny Cash . She has a very Dolly Parton quality to her voice. It's really fun, and you can tell she has a fun personality. She also plays the guitar really well.
Notable Comment: KEITH: "Half of me is worried that it was light and you'll get crushed by the other contestants...but the other half is [glad] that she has her own lane".
Also Going To Hollywood
Dajontae Lenear(16). He has a great personality and great voice to match it.
Dylan Becker(17). He is an enjoyable,and pleasing sound to the ear.
Casey McQuillan(21). I think she sounded like Demi Lovato while singing one of Demi's songs. That's a good thing, but not a great thing.
Also Going Home
Simon Hauck (17). I don't think this was good at all. He sang it really quick, but that was the good part of it.
Favorite Of The Night
Paula Hunt. It was a professional sounding voice, and I like her personality and her story. She has the complete package for me. I can't wait to hear her sing a different song, because despite not liking the song she sang she still sang it really well. It takes a lot of talent to do that.
21 from Omaha +193 from the other nights=212 Going To Hollywood
Final Thoughts
*I wasn't really excited by a lot of these contestants tonight. There was definitely some talent out there, but only a couple of them really stood out for me tonight. Paula Hunt, Dajontae Lenear and maybe Tessa Kate. Each of them were really good, but I feel they still don't even match up to some of the talent we saw in other auditions. I am excited about a ton of contestants that we have seen, just not sure how many from this particular audition will make it very far.
*I think the biggest sign of this year creating a big change in the show's dynamics and quality is the reduction of back stories. This was most notably featured or not featured during Paula Hunt's audition. Paula's mom has MS, and instead of showing us her backstory and a 3 or 4 minute video package on that they instead focus on Paula's voice, and then she tells the judges about her Mom. It's a nice subtle change in the storytelling on the show. They used to show us these really long and sad stories and you almost got guilt tripped into liking someone, but now they let us enjoy the singer and then we learn all these things about them. Paula is great and I hope we do learn more about her and her Mom as the season unfolds.
*Next week's format is a bit different. We will get into it more next week, but before the contestants get to Hollywood there is a new aspect called "Hollywood or Home". But there won't be any live tweeting. It's an impromptu audition before some of the contestants get to Hollywood. It'll definitely weed out some of the more questionable contestants. But we'll get to the format next week.
That's it. I'm excited to be moving on to the next round of this competition. The beginning of finding the next American Idol is eliminating everyone else, and up until this point we were adding people, now it's time for some narrowing down. Come back here next Wednesday after the next episode for our recap and review of the show and the new format of the next round. So have a great week, enjoy the Superbowl and until next time, see ya!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Auditons Part 5: Salt Lake City
Welcome back. We are on the third and final week of American Idol auditions. Next week we are going to Hollywood. We have seen a lot of really good to great talent. I haven't been that upset at most of the selections, the judges have done well, especially Harry Connick Jr, and Ryan Seacrest has yet to really annoy me. It's such an odd thing to not be discouraged or upset at this point in the audition rounds. We'll see if it continues, so as always let's get to it:
Austin Wolfe (16). She has a cool name, dresses cool, very pretty, but her voice is just okay. I'm not entirely impressed right off the bat while she sings "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. She has a voice, but is it outstanding? No. The judges think she has everything going for her and they send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER: "You Have The Whole Package Going On"
Kylee Adamson(18). She's a lumberjack so that's pretty different already. She sings "When You Say Nothing At All". It's a good enough voice for now. I think she has some nice dynamics that can go places. I don't think we saw everything I needed to to know if she is really good at this, but it's a good start. She is sent to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: HARRY: "The fact that you use an axe for a living is extremely intimidating"
Alex Preston (20). Decides to sing his own original. I don't think it's that great. It's very start and stop and doesn't allow for his voice to really take off. He can sing, but I don't like the song with his voice. Harry is impressed with how knowledgeable his guitar playing is. They think he is very professional and likes him a lot, enough to go to Hollywood. I think he needs to work on his voice a little more, and maybe when he sings the more well known songs it will help me connect to his voice.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER: "Your tone is soft, it's nice though...[You] really tried to make that connection. Good sign of a good performer".
Samantha Calmes(25). She decides to sing an original called "From Birth". Her first verse is like she is just speaking. It's not quite singing, it's more spoken word, not quite rap, because it's gentle and not very rap-y. Her next verse goes into the typical song with melody and tone and all that. It's kinda like Joni Mitchell meets (as Keith said) Macklemore. Harry wants to hear her sing a non-original and she goes with "The Jeffersons" theme song. Her voice is very bluesy and very cool. I like all that came from this audition. Harry wasn't impressed with her voice but was with the choices she made. Jennifer likes her voice. Keith applauds her originality. They are impressed enough and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: HARRY: "You're rocking the fanny pack...what's in there.? ...It's like we're on Let's Make A Deal..If you pull out a boiled egg and a safety pin then you win what's behind Door Number 3".
D.J Bradley(20) He goes with Adele's "Hometown Glory". I think he is better than what he did with that song. He seems shy, and that's kinda coming out in his performance. Jennifer wants him to come out of shell. Keith liked his voice but thought the performance was mysterious but also disinterested, which made him disinterested. Jennifer votes him to Hollywood, Keith and Harry give him another shot to go to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH: "It's Ed Sheeran".
Hollywood or Home Game
It's that time of the episode where the home audience is to tweet if they believe that the contestant we are watching will be sent to Hollywood or Home. We learn that this contestant's name is Julie Awful. She has a pretty voice and tone. I think she will be sent to Hollywood, and so does 68% of America. Harry and Jennifer send her to Hollywood with Keith voting against. So I win again at this game and again I win a whole bunch of nothing.
Kenzie Hall(16). Hmm. Initially my thought was that her voice isn't there yet, but as she went on with John Mayer's "Another You" it got better and better. I think she is adorable and has some potential and she definitely doesn't have the seasoned voice, but, I do think it can come out as the season progresses. The judges are very impressed and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER: "She's one of my faves...she is great".
Paisley Van Patten(25). She got a record contract at age 15 and within a year everything was gone because she was an alcoholic. She got the help she needed and decided to come out and try again. Her fiancee wasn't supportive of the American Idol experience and broke up with her. She has a lot riding on this audition, and luckily for her she does wonderfully. Her voice is very rich and has depth to it while singing Faith Hill's "When The Lights Go Down". She has a lot of passion, and you can tell she knows what she is doing. The judges think she has great control and talent and give her the Golden Ticket.
Notable Comment: KEITH: "I love your voice...I love that you chose that song...I love that you sang it so was a good thing to do".
Also Going To Hollywood
Keith Sanders(26). I think he seems pretty good, didn't get a huge grasp of his talent quite yet.
Michael Simeon(19). He's a good looking guy with a decent enough voice.
Tessa Norman(19). She has good control for a big voice.
Lebryant Crew(24). Not bad at all. He is a minister and you can hear some of that inflection in his voice.
Laurel Wright(18). She sings her own original and it's very Taylor Swift, in a good way.
Joceyln Baker(18). Can play guitar, but the
Blake Branscom(16). He's pleasant enough, but nothing outstanding.
C.J Harris (22). He came from Alabama to Utah for this audition and it paid off, really good, I'm excited to see him soon.
Also Going Home
Samantha Townsend(22). Didn't actually sing for the audition...although she was singing the whole time. So yep.
Haydn Olsen (15). I don't think her voice is quite there, very young.
Chase Boyle(23). Probably the best in his family, but bad here.
Julia "Missy Cyclops" Flores(18). I don't understand her nickname and that throws me off.
Tiquila Wilson (24). Confidence is not a problem for this contestant. She goes for Adeles "Someone Like You". She does a really good job for a really big song. There are some screetchiness and high pitched points, but it mainly stays on key. She is a church going girl and the judges wonder if the church will care if she sings non-secular songs, she said that she doesn't care and she has to do what she has to do. The judges love her and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH "The real deal, great voice...carries a great message".
Briston Maroney(15). He is from a musical family and a long line of musicians. He sings The Rolling Stones "You Can't Always Get What You Want". His voice is very distinctive, very nice. It's like he should be doing some hardcore rock or pop. It's really cool.The judges worry that he will lose his voice because it's very powerful voice, but he isn't worried. They send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH "The only thing is that from that very affective style of singing that other colors come out from that".
Johnny Newcomb(16). I liked his voice from the first note but that's because it's Eddie Vedder singing Pearl Jam's "Last Kiss". No it really wasn't Eddie Vedder it was Johnny, but he sounds so much like Eddie Vedder. Johnny then goes and sings another song and he still kinda has that voice. It might just be his voice. Jennifer changed her mind and thinks he is too good at what he does to say "No" to. Harry thinks he isn't ready. Keith let's him go and so on to Hollywood does Johnny go. It rhymed and I have no shame i that.
Notable Comment: HARRY "I just don't believe that's your voice I think you're highly impressionable because of your age...I think it's a little premature to be on American Idol.
Casey Thrasher(22). He's a young Dad that has a lot going on, struggling to get by. He sings "I Believe" by Brooks and Dunn. It wasn't a perfect audition, he kinda loses it at one point. But you can tell he is very seasoned and has a depth to him. I think he can do really well on this show if he can manage it. The judges didn't think it was 100% perfect but they believed his voice and really felt his performance. They send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH "Like halfway through the song you got frustrated with something and you channeled it in your voice, it was very appealing".
Also Going To Hollywood
Emily Rotter(17). I would have loved to hear her sing without her guitar, because I think it overshadowed what's there.
Dexter Roberts (22). Country singer that sings country really well. So he's got that going for him.
Leia "Fish" Lotulelei(19) Not bad but not horrible. Kinda forgettable if he didn't have 50 members of his family with him.
Sabrina Lentini(15). She doesn't look 15, but sounds it. Could need a few more years and more vocal experience.
Carmen Delgina(24) Her Dad is Wonder Mike from the SugarHill Gang, so she has some musical genes. Not bad, but not unbelievable.
Kassandra Castaneda(16). I like her voice a ton, I think she is one to look for later. Harry doesn't think she's ready but the other 2 think she can blossom into a great singer.
Kenneth "Woodie" Gaddie(28). I don't know. He has a voice, just didn't really feel it.
Also Going Home
Chase Thornton(20). A male model, that needs to stick with that.
Jessica Bassett(22). Really pretty voice but she isn't quite there yet.
Ally Roundy(18). Not bad, but didn't really do a ton for me.
Carson Henline(15). Looks like he is about 7 and his voice just isn't there yet, which is understandable.
Kimberly Tosti (25). She is an opera singer that probably is good at that, but singing a regular song doesn't work out for her.
Paisley Van Patten(25). She has a really interesting back story of getting a recording contract at a young age only to lose it within a year due to her problems with alcohol. I think her voice is very professional and mature, and I am excited to hear more from her.
30 From Salt Lake City + 163 From Previous Episodes=193 Going To Hollywood
Final Thoughts
*I really don't think I have seen Jennifer Lopez say "No" yet when it comes to a contestant that is sort of on the fence. The guys have said "No" plenty of times, but Jennifer goes on the side of letting the contestants go to Hollywood then maybe saying "No" later, rather than say "No" now. She has said countless times "it's worth another look". I don't know what to think of that. On the one hand I do get that it doesn't really hurt anyone by her saying "Yes" and seeing what happens later, rather than making a mistake, but on the other hand what is the point of auditions? They are there so the judges can weed out some people, not just appease people and not take a risk. I get both sides of the argument, but I would love to see Jennifer be a bit more decisive and go with her gut rather than playing on the safe side.
*I looked back at last year's recap, and in the 5th audition of last year we saw 19 people. Tonight's episode featured 35 contestants.That's pretty damn impressive. They have really gotten rid of those silly montages, and stopped with some of the very long drawn out sob stories. They get right to the contestants. Sure they feature some more than others, but overall we are seeing a ton of contestants, and that will definitely help the audience really root for their favorites as the season progresses.
That's it. Only 1 more audition episode to go. It's only a one hour show so it will be a lot shorter of a recap. We hope you enjoyed our review of the night's performances. Please come on back here tomorrow night after the next new episode. So until then, see ya!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Auditions Part 4: Atlanta
Welcome back. It is Night 4 of Auditions. Tonight is also the first 1 hour show of the season, so the pace of the episode will pick up a little bit. So let's jump right into it:
Majesty Rose(21) Not her real name, but a solid made up name for sure. She has one of the sweetest voices I have heard in awhile. She sings Coldplay's "Violet Hill". Her voice is very delicate and just pure and clear. She gets to those high and more dynamic notes, but it's in those quiet and soothing notes that makes her sound incredibly. The judges agree that she sings soft and elegantly. They each agree to send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"Really beautiful. Really effortless".
Jesse Cline(19) His energy is kind of chill and low. They show clips of him being very sleepy due to his job being at night. He sings a song I have never heard of, but he doesn't sound half bad. It's nothing outstanding, but it's solid enough, at least to get to Hollywood. They call him a born, natural singer.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"You can lay out every category...and there is believability and you are a believable singer".
Chris Medina(23) Along with his pet dog he sings "Chasing Pavements" by Adele. Harry decides to grab his dog and sit him on his lap while Chris sings. He sounds nice. Nice isn't outstanding, it's not great, but it's not bad. I'm not sure if I'll remember his voice, I might remember that he brought in his dog. The judges really believe him when he sings. Chris is on his way to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: HARRY- [In reference to the dog sitting on his lap] "Do you know that song 'I have a small plastic bag and a towelette'..I believe I have a small wet spot on my pants, but not from the dog, it's a personal matter."
Ben Briley (24) He decides to sing Amos Lee's "Arms of a Woman". He is a pure country singer. He probably can improve some, but it's a solid start. The judges dug him. Harry thinks of Ben as "Gumbo". I don't really get it, but it works for Harry. It works for Ben too cause he is going to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH-"If you sang acapella on the radio right now, I might crash my car, I just love the sound of your voice".
Nica Nashae(24) What a voice? And I mean that in the good sense.Really good, one to look for later. She sings "Natural Woman". She was only in there for about 20 seconds and that's really all it took to determine how good she really is. I think she can really be a powerhouse of a singer.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"People Gonna be Having Nightmares About Nica".
Jordan Brisbane(15) He is a cute little guy, that doesn't even wanna say the word "Whiskey" on TV because he is underage. Cute. He has a nice voice that is more mature than him. The judges think he is good, but still not all the way there. They think he is adorable and has some raw talent. The judges feel like he is good enough to get to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"Be careful when you sing runs because there are people that do it better than you do...even if you suck, which you don't people would stand up and cheer because of how sweet you are".
Jessica Meuse (22) She is from Slapout, Alabama. Great town name. Harry says she has the sound of Stevie Nicks and I totally agree. A very cool, hip version of Stevie Nicks. She has super confidence and knows what she is doing. She sings an original song and plays the guitar as well. You can see this is something she wants to do with her life and not just a whim. The song itself is really good. It's called "Blue Eyed Liar". I like it so much. The judges like her as well, and she goes to Hollywood.
KEITH- "Great example of the sum is greater than the parts. It's everything, the song, the way she sings, the way she plays, everything"
Hollywood or Home Contestant
We see a dude sing, and not sing that well. My opinion is that he is going home. Only 47% of Twitter people thought he was going home. The judges do in fact send him home. So again I am right, Twitter is wrong, and again, there is no point in this game. But we still play.
Lauren Ogburn (19) Her voice is very young. She sings a Reba McEntire song called "Fancy". It's not a bad voice, but very young, and not that experienced. There is some potential in it. Keith thinks her voice is authentic.
Notable Comment: HARRY- "I think you can over-accessorize to the point of ridicule. We get you're a Southern girl...But you have so much Americana that you are trying a little too hard in that department".
Neco Starr(22) and Caleb Johnson (22) I remember them from a couple seasons ago. They both got cut in the later stages of Hollywood/Las Vegas rounds.I liked Caleb way more than Neco this time around. Neco just didn't really connect to the song or the harmony like he should have. Caleb has a very 'David Cook' type of vibe and sound to him. Made it much more appealing. They both get through, Neco just barely, and Caleb with all judges sending him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER[In regards to Neco] You have a nice voice, look great, but if you want to go far in the competion those two have to connect.
Bria Anai(15) She sings "One and Only" by Adele. It's a bold song choice, because it has a ton of runs and high notes, but Bria pretty much hits all of them, which is very impressive. Of all of the young talent out there, especially tonight, she has a much more seasoned voice and a distinctive sound to her.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"15 years old is impossible".
Also Going To Hollywood
Kristen O'Connor (24) She is a nurse, with a really nice voice. She's pretty and has a dynamic voice.
Emily Priz (17) A long time Idol viewer with a pleasant voice.
Sam Burchfield(21) A huge Phillip Phillips fan and he sounds, kinda looks, and seems like him. Harry doesn't think he'll last. We'll see.
Going Home
Alyson Ragona (19)-In her pink hair and cat t-shirt, she just doesn't quite have it.
Travis Hunter-Brown(26)- Not good, not good at all.
Jessica Meuse. She seems really cool, has a great confidence, and I loved her original song. I think she can really take control of her sound. It's really nice to see someone that knows what they are doing, and knows that they know that they are good. It makes things very easy that way.
44 from Atalanta + 119 from the other nights=163 Altogether.
Final Thoughts
*We saw a ton of talent in Atlanta. I loved Jessica Meuse, I really enjoyed Majesty Rose and even Sam Burchfield. Usually in one hour shows we see maybe 4 or 5 great singers, tonight we saw about 10 or 12. I like how much good talent we are seeing. Sometimes we don't see certain contstants until later rounds and then we wonder 'where did they came from', but this time we are seeing a ton of talent. I think that will benefit the show later, becasue the audience can start rooting for these contestants early on.
*Gotta say the bit with Ryan Seacrest and his mom was very funny. I like when we see someone so in control and knowing what is going on, to let his mom kinda disrupt that a bit. It was probably a little set-up, but it seemed natural, and I liked it.
That's it. Week 2 of American Idol is done. We hope you have enjoyed the show and our recaps and we hope you come back next week for more. So have a great week, and until next time, see ya!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Audtions Part 3: Detroit
Welcome back. Hope everyone had a great week. We are on to our second week of American Idol. Tonight's episode is a typical two-hour show, and tomorrow's episode is our first one-hour show of the season. Tonight we will continue our recap of some of the more notable contestants, good and bad, and provide a list of every contestant that either makes it to Hollywood or is sent home. We hope you enjoy. So let's get to it:
Keri Lynn Roche(24)-Her first note hit me. I think she is cool, her voice is soulful but really pretty and powerful at the same time. She sings "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. Keith asks to hear her without the guitar and she sings "I'd Rather Go Blind", you can really hear her great voice during this song. Good call by Keith to have her switch it up. She's one of my favorites of the day, it doesn't matter that she's the first one. She is going to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"I like your style and how you emote....It's not typical"
Malaya Watson(15)-Not only is she a good singer but she is a High School Tuba Player. Her voice is very pure, but is still young. She definitely has something there but not there all the way yet. Keith, Harry and Jennifer all can't wait to see how she does in Hollywood. They think she will develop and turn into an even better singer than she already is.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"Can't wait to see the transformation that you're about to go through".
Bryan Watt(29)- He is a good looking guy, and he decides to sing Carrie Underwood's "So Small". He has a sweet voice. He gets a little thin when he goes up for the big note, but overall it's an incredibly solid performance. I like him a lot.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"It was a confident easy performance. I know're Superman aren't ya?...He looks like a Super Hero...Bring the cape to Hollywood".
Melanie Porras(19)- We learn that she is raised by a single father. He is also a singer that brought her on tour with him. She decides to sing "Fever". I like her a lot instantly. She can play guitar and her voice is fun. But not fun enough because Jennifer asked her to sing again and she chose the extreme opposite of "Fever" by singing "Dead or Alive". During this song her voice really starts to groove. It is powerful and has that gravel-y kind of sound. All 3 judges send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"I can see you recording records"
Liam Newberry(18)-He is the youngest looking dude with old person's voice I have seen. He loves Harry Connick Jr and his voice is reminiscent, kinda. Jennifer doesn't like that it's a little too straight down the middle. The judges don't think that he is ready and do not send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: KEITH- "There's a sexiness in that kind of sound and it wasn't there".
Jade Lathan(20)-She sings "You Know I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse. She has confidence and a voice, a perfect combination. The whole performance was really cool, and professional. She knows she is good, but isn't cocky about it. The judges eat up the whole thing. They loved it and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment:HARRY-"I don't want to patronize you but you are absolutely adorable".
Maurice Townsend(26)- He is a husband, father of 4 and a full time student, a lot on his plate and he decides to sing "So High" by John Legend. He has style, and a pleasant voice. His voice is just really nice to the ear. Keith is all over this voice. He is mesmerized by every word he sings. He has 3 boys and a baby girl who are adorable. I think this guy is so cool, and I can't wait to see him again.
Notable Comment: KEITH-"I just sat back and enjoyed the show".
Also Going To Hollywood
Julian Miller(18)-He has a pleasant enough voice and some style and nice swag.
Olivia Diamond(22)-Powerful voice. A little boring a times, but decent.
Paris Primaeu(16)-She has pink hair and has a great powerful voice.
Khristian D'Avis(22)-She's pretty but her voice is very thin and not that powerful. It's a weird performance. She had an accent when she walked and then lost it towards the end. Weird. Very weird.
Jena Asciutto(17)- A very pleasant voice.She sounds really nice. Very promising.
Sarah Scherb(19)-She can sing, but it doesn't do too much for me.
Sydney Arterbridge(15)-There's a point in the song "Loving You"where there is a really high screetchy point in the song. Sydney hits it.
Also Going Home
Samantha Furtwengler(18)-Is young and doesn't have it all yet.
David Oliver Willis(22) He is a returning contestant that made it to Las Vegas rounds and was cut. I remember him. We didn't see a lot of him before that round, and that particular performance wasn't so great. I am glad that we get to see him this time around, because he has a really nice voice and he can play the guitar really well. I like it, not my favorite of the show, but still really good.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"The guitar playing drives your vehicle, but I'm nervous that American Idol is gonna make him put down his guitar and I don't know what's gonna happen".
Karlita and Rakita Gulledge(19) Another set of twins. They believe they have natural talent, I believe they do not. They think they can sing, I do not think that way. They do have one thing right, they both have the same voice and have the same talent. None.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"What were the first words of that song?[I'm screaming out]...and boy were you ever...that was just a minute of screaming".
Hollywood or Home Contestant
We see a young girl sing "Waking Up In Vegas" and she doesn't sound good. I think she is going home. The 51% of the people at home tweeting feel that she is going home. We find out she is going home. I get it right, which means absolutely nothing.
Ethan Harris(20)-He looks 12 even though he is saying he is 20. Ethan decides to sing "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban. Singing one of the judges' songs works about half of the time, this time he does a more pop version of this country song. I don't really get what he is wearing and his haircut, but he is good enough to get to Hollywood and the judges send him there.
Notable Comment: HARRY/KEITH-"He's the lost Osmond brother...Ronny".
Ayla Stackhouse(17) She was born in Detroit moved to Hollywood, travels back to Detroit to audition in the hopes of going back to Hollywood. A little round about but I am glad that she came back to Detroit. I like that she sings "Wings"by Little Mix, which is originally a song that has multiple performers. She is sweet but is also confident, and real.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"Barry Gordy(founder of Motown) would think she has some potential"
Ryan Nisbett(24) His entire look is crazy. I don't have a picture of this guy, but to describe him:He has the mustache of an 1890s salesman, he is sporting glasses that a 1950s professor might have, his hair is that of a cartoon character and his wardrobe is mixed between winter and summer. I kind of hope that if he makes it to Hollywood he will pick one style and go with it. But he has a pleasant enough voice. It's something you don't hear all that time. It's masculine and feminine.It's soulful and pop and all different things in one. The judges love him and send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"You are Sui Generis. It means one of a kind. Your style, your sound all of it".
Marrialle Sellers(17) Very very odd. Someone dropped the ball here. We saw her performance last week. In fact, she was the very first contestant we saw in the premiere. We didn't get her backstory then, which we do now, but we saw her perform last week. I don't understand why they are showing us this now, when we saw this last time. Did they think we forgot in a week? This is crazy. I don't even know what to say with this one. They must really like her to show her twice. My opinion on her is in the recap from last week.
Also Going To Hollywood
Brandy Neely(18)-Former Idol contestant, I don't remember her, but she is ok.
Leah Guerrero(21)-She has a cool look, her voice is a little wobbly, but that could get fixed.
Zach Day(19)-He does a little too much in a short amount of time.
Symphony Howlett(24)-Seems a little affected. Goes for it, but doesn't hit it.
Eric Gordon(27)Good looking guy, with a really soulful groovy sound.
Also Going Home
Blake Soles(22)-He sings okay, and is a good guitarist, but doesn't have enough.
Xavier Calvillo(25)-His beard is intense, and so is his voice. Not bad, but not horrible. But his desperate-ness ruins the whole thing for me.
Tony Delbarrio(29)-Not good when you don't know the words and can't hit the sound.
Jade Lanthan and Maurice Townsend. I liked them both. They each have very distinctive voices and styles and are memorable. I hope they both make it a far ways. They both have that confidence you want in a contestant, but aren't cocky or anything like that. They really made tonight's episode stand out.
40 From Detroit. 119 Altogether.
Final Thoughts
*I'm just so confused. The episode was a good one, the judges, especially Harry did well again, but they repeated a contestant's performance. Not only was Marialle Sellers a contestant from last week, but she was the very first contestant of the season. I just don't get it, and it kind of messes with the whole night. Did they really have no one better to finish up this episode? Did someone not pay attention? Strange to say the least. I have watched every season of Idol and I don't think that's ever happened before.
* A lot of good talent tonight. Jade Lanthan, Maurice Townsend, Keri Lynne Roache, Melanie Porras. Each of them really stood out for me tonight. They each have a very distinctive voice, style and personality.I hope each of them do well once they get to Hollywood.
That's it. Night 3 of Auditions is done. We will be back here tomorrow for Night 4. The episode tomorrow is only 1 hour so it should fly by. So until then, see ya!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Auditions Part 2: Austin & San Francisco
Welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed last night's premiere and we are glad that you came back here to read our recap on the show. I guess the first episode was the lowest premiere ever at 15.2 million. But, it is still FOX's biggest audience of the season of any show and in my opinion it was one of the better Idol premiere episodes in years. We will see if the great publicity of Harry Connick Jr, and the great talent coming out will help the ratings adjust up.
Anyways, like last night we are going to post our reactions to the contestants. We will be going in depth on some of our more favorite or notable contestants and give some brief comments on the other contestants that either moved on to Hollywood or were sent home. Hope you enjoy!
So, let's get to it:
Jesse Roach(27). She looks like the rock version of Katy Perry. She looks like the kinda person that would probably kick you in the shin if you said she reminds you of Katy Perry, but that's what I like about her. She sings "Do Ya" by K.T Olsin. I have never heard the song before, but Jesse sounds great on it. She has rasp and soul and makes it all sound really good. The judges agree and send her to Hollywood.
Notable Comment-KEITH "She has a lot of soul and has a story older than who you [she is]"
Moving On To Hollywood
Steven Curd (18)
Anna Melvin(22)
Ryan Clark(22)
Jamiah Malik(15) and Quiandra Boston-Pearsall(17). They are school friends that go in separately and they each have a decent audition. They both have some strengths, like their personality and their voice is on tone, but they both have some weaknesses in the power of their voice and pitch. I think he is a bit more dynamic and interesting and she has a nice voice but nothing really groundbreaking. We are told before the commercial break that only one of them gets to go to Hollywood. The one going to Hollywood is Quiandra. I disagree with this one. Not saying he should have went to Hollywood but I'm not sure that she should either.
Notable Comment-N/A(We aren't told which comment goes to which person).
Spencer Lloyd(19). I started loving this audition because as soon as he walked in you can see Jennifer Lopez swoon a little over Spencer's looks, while Keith and more notably Harry get hysterically jealous. He is definitely a good looking guy. Might be one of the more good looking contestants Idol has had in awhile.This guy actually has a really sweet voice. I don't really remember what he sang but I think he can get better, because there were a couple of pitch problems. Harry just thinks he is an okay singer. Jennifer thinks he can sing. Keith thinks his whole package keeps his attention. The 3 judges send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: HARRY(All said sarcastically due to Spencer's looks)"I don't like being upstaged by the eyes...Your name is cool, you look like that, even if you suck you are carrying a guitar...What's to like? I'm unhappy...This is torture for me".
T.K Hash(28). Harry Connick Jr tells T.K that he looks like Barack Obama and so T.K just busts out a solid enough impersonation of our President that he grabbed my attention right away. T. K then sings "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" . I liked that he took a really powerful rock song and made it kind of into an R&B version with a little rock in there. Really cool. His voice isn't quite there yet but it has a lot of potential. All 3 judges send him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-He changed the energy of the room and made us perk up and made us wonder who this person is.
I vote...well I don't really vote because I don't want to tweet for a silly feature in the show....but I would have voted that she(a person we don't even know the name to) does not go to Hollywood and goes Home instead. The American public voted and 69% said she was going to Hollywood...and they were right she goes to Hollywood. I was wrong, so that means absolutely nothing.
Tristen Langley(15). Whoa...he is Nikki McKibbin's son. I am getting so old. Wow, she is the mom of a 15 year old that is now performing on Idol. If people don't remember her she was in the Top 3 of the very first season of American Idol, she was there with eventual winner Kelly Clarkson and runner-up Justin Guarini. I recognized her right away, she still has her pink hair and tattoos. Her son Tristen sings "Santaria" and I like his voice a lot. It's cool that she is his mom, but even if he wasn't I think he has a solid voice and he is a good looking guy. Jennifer thinks he has a good voice, Harry doesn't think he has it without the story, but Keith sends him to Hollywood.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-This is 2nd generation American Idol. This is history.
John Fox(20). The show started with John but then rewound and went back and now we are back to him. He sings "To Make You Feel My Love". I think his voice is different, it has that gravel-ly, soulful kind of sound to it. It also carries a ton of emotion and the judges are grooving with him and hand him a golden ticket. I would have too, he has an amazing voice.
Notable Comment: HARRY-"Didn't expect that voice to come out of you...not sure what I expected"
Also Moving On To Hollywood
Megan Miller(23)-Solid country voice.
Eric Wood(28)-Really great voice.
Austin Alvarez (27)-Didn't really get a chance to hear it.
Marlon Lindsey(27)-Really powerful soul voice.
Taylor Stearns(21)-Very Taylor Swift without the big voice.
Also Going Home
Grace Fields (27) -Piano player with no voice. Good for Piano Idol, not so much for American Idol.
Rick Rowling(28)-He came in without his shirt, and he can't sing and knows he can't just came in to be funny. It didn't work.
LJ Hernandez(23)-He pulled out props and didn't work with his bad voice.
Emmanuel Zidor(24). Started singing before he came in the room, should have stayed there. I don't think he is the worst singer in the world, but I have heard several better singers that were far better than him be sent home. He gets 3 "Yes's". I don't agree with this one. He is adorable and he starts to cry and all that, but nah, I don't like this decision by the judges.
Notable Comment: JENNIFER-"I believe every word you sing".
Caitlin Johnson(15). She really doesn't seem 15 at all, she looks older than some of my mom's friends. Jeez. Her voice is okay. It's not stellar. Harry doesn't think she is ready and thinks she needs time to work on who she is. Keith likes her voice a lot. Jennifer doesn't think she is ready, but agrees she should go to Hollywood with Keith. I think Jennifer should have said "No" like she first wanted to. I think if Keith had said "No" and the pressure of having to send this girl home was off of her then Jennifer would have said "No", but because she doesn't want to look mean she decided to just go along with Keith and let Caitlin move on. Not a great job by Jennifer.
Notable Comment-HARRY(Sarcastically shocked about how she looks older than she looks)"You are 32 years old from New York City and your name is Beth Goodwin".
Selena and Sierra Moreno(22). They come in together because they are twins, but they sing separately. Selena sings first, she does a few too many runs, and doesn't seem completely natural, but has a lot of energy. Sierra sings next and has a much softer tone, but not a ton of energy. It's interesting, they are identical twins but their singing voices and performance energies are distinctly different.Before the break we are told that one of them is going to Hollywood and one isn't. The judges believe that Selena has a better voice and is going to Hollywood while her sister Sierra is going home.
Notable Comment-HARRY-"One of you is clearly the better singer".
Briana Oakley(17). I remember her from last season. She was pretty good then. She got through a couple rounds in Hollywood week. She sings "Stay" by Sara Barielles. I don't like the song choice completely for Briana, but her voice is so good. Her runs, her tone, everything is just crystal clear. Really well done by her. Gets 3 "Yes's" by the judges.
Notable Comment-JENNIFER-Reminds her of Jordin Sparks "So young and so powerful".
Adam Roth(28). This guy is more zen and at peace than any contestant that I have seen up there. He is a self-proclaimed "sound healer", which I'm assuming heals people with sound. When he starts singing it's almost creepy especially when he gets into a moment, but luckily he stays on the right side of the line, and proves he has a real good voice.The judges didn't know if he was faking it, or if he was being himself. Harry says "No", Jennifer says "Yes" and Keith brings him to Hollywood
Notable Comment-KEITH-Strange performance...has an interesting voice, but his usage of it was so schizophrenic.
Also Moving On To Hollywood
Rachel Rolleri(17)-She had a few problems here and there, but there is a lot to like, she could be one to watch for later.
Athena Wilford(20)-Not too bad. But didn't bowl me over yet.
Remi Wolf(17)-Her voice didn't seem entirely all there.
MK Nobilette(20)-Didn't do much for me. Very forgettable.
David Luning(26)-A haunting, intense voice. A moody voice, but a happy guy.
Rico Perkins(24) and Aranesa Turner(20)-They both sang songs from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. And both sang them well.
Also Going Home
Samuel Ramsey(24)- Fails 'jazzy' miserably.
Ronald Reed(23)-Pleasant enough guitar player, but really terrible voice.
Gaddy Basil Foster(26)-A weight lifter dude, that should probably stick to that.
19 from San Francisco and 14 from Austin=33 From Tonight
79 Golden Tickets So Far
Favorite of the Night
John Fox. I just think his voice was the most pure and most emotionally impactful. After listening to dozens of contestants I can distinctly remember his voice and his sound.So that's gotta be a good thing.
Final Thoughts
*I like the chemistry of the 3 judges. I like that Harry is honest, and Keith is real, but Jennifer has yet to say the word "No" when Keith and Harry split. She has yet to be the deciding voice on if someone goes home. I don't know if it's because she doesn't wanna be seen as the bad guy, or she honestly thinks some of these people that she sends to Hollywood has potential, but it doesn't look great on her part. I get her wanting to give people a chance, but she contradicts herself when she says "they are all over the place" or "they might not be ready" but then sends them to Hollywood anyway. C'mon Jennifer, put your neck out there a little bit.
*I really like that we see so many good contestants and so little crazy, ridiculous performances. It's a much more tolerable show and enjoyable to watch. Sure back in Season 1 or 2 it was funny when someone came in as chicken or sang bad and Simon made fun of them, but at this point I just really enjoy good singing. Plus if the judges are good, and they are so far, then that will be funny enough to get by.
That's it. The first week of American Idol is done. A lot of really good singers and a really good show. I hope you have enjoyed Idol Be The Judge and you decide to come back here after each episode. We will be back next Wednesday after the next new episode. So until then...see ya!
Season 13 Premiere: Audtions Part 1-Boston & Austin
We are back! For those who are returning Welcome Back!, and for those that are brand new to this website...Welcome! Tonight is the night, it's the Season 13 Premiere of American Idol. The baton of American Idol Season 12 winner Candice Glover is on the way to being handed off, but it's gonna take awhile until we get there. The new and returning judges of Harry Connick Jr, Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban have a lot of hype around their chemistry so we will see how it all boils down. We are here to ensure you get all the info you need and more. We will provide recaps, opinions and some great commentary on the show. We hope you enjoy it, and hope you will stick with us through the season.
So without further ado, let's get to tonight's premiere:
Boston Auditions
Marialle Sellers(17)
I like that she went all acoustic for her version of "Grenade". I liked it, didn't love it, but I think she has a ton of potential.Notable Comment: HARRY-"You're gonna be a nightmare for the other contestants".
Troy Durden(29)
Self-proclaimed lover of twerking is Troy Druden. He twerks for the judges, and even though I am not a twerking expert, he does a bad job in it. A twerker he isn't but a singer he might be. He sings a nice version of "Over the Rainbow". He does a few more runs than was necessary and an off falsetto at the end. But not bad at all. Notable Comment:HARRY-"Twerk Over The Rainbow"
Sam Woolf(17)
This was a cool performance. He sang really well, and had a different tone that I like. He sang it quick, but that's what made it kinda different. Notable Comment: KEITH-Never heard the song like that, like it was an auction song.
Absolute Yes's Montage
These contestants didn't get a full audition to themselves and were grouped together, but they all received a Yes from each of the judges:
-Ethan Thompson(23)-This guy reminds me of Season 11 champ Phillip Phillips, which is a good compliment.
-Lindsay Pedicone(18) She's a jazzy, cool kinda chick with a sultry kind of voice.
-Jillian Jensen(20) A former X Factor contestant that was good on this show and good her too.
Taylor Hildack(19)
She has some potential for sure but I think her voice isn't ready right now. Jennifer thinks she has some talent and gives her a "Yes", Harry thinks her voice isn't strong enough and gives her a "No". Keith thinks she has potential but at this moment he gives her a "No".Notable Comment: KEITH-Voice needs a lot of work, limitations in her range.
Stephanie Hanvey(16)
I think she has a nice sweet voice. It's young, and doesn't stand out too much.Jennifer thinks she was inconsistent but likes her enough to want to see her again, the other guys agree and she is off to Hollywood. Notable Comment: KEITH:There's a composure about you that's really powerful but your voice needs time to develop.
Morgan Deplitch(15)
Harry didn't like the fact she sang a lyrically inappropriate song, but Keith and Jennifer didn't care too much.Notable comment: HARRY-Singing the lyrics "if I was a blade I'd shave you smooth", is inappropriate for someone so young.
James Earl(22)
Singing his own song. He goes from being a very high pitched singer, to a very low deep down singer. He is essentially doing a duet all on his own. 3 "No's". Notable comment: HARRY/KEITH-He should be a comedian, not a singer.
Jacqueline Verna(18)
We see her sing a few verses of "Love You I Do". Has a good voice, but should come back next time.Notable comment: HARRY-He didn't like the panatonics of her voice.
Austin Percario(17)
With his stage Mom right next to him. He sounded great on Sia's "Titanium". I like how he had some power but restraint as well. It got a little thin at points, but still good. All 3 say "Yes".Notable comment: KEITH-Justin Bieber at 5 A.M. Like Rock and Pop mix.
Kaitlyn Jackson(15)
She wrote a song called "Another Angel". She wrote the song for her grandfather that passed away. The song is beautiful, and she sang it so well. Keith is entranced by her story and the lyrics to the song. It's a great song. All 3 say "Yes". Notable comment: KEITH-That she can write a song that young and she is so good already.
Keith London(21)
With guitar in hand he goes acoustic to sing Katy Perry's "Roar". He messes up the lyrics a little but recovers well, I like that he switched the song up to make it his own. Harry thought it was okay. Keith thinks he is memorable. Jennifer and Keith agree to send him to Hollywood. Notable comment: JENNIFER-" Liked the song, but made me like it more".
Sam Atherton(23)
He comes in rough, kind of making a crack about Keith, when Keith was kidding around. It's pretty rough all around, with the odd comments and the voice. The judges give Sam 3 "No's".Notable comment: JENNIFER-"He's pissed at you two[Keith and Harry]".
So Idol decided to add a little new aspect to the audition rounds. Before the commercial break we are given a little tease of a singer, and we at home are to tweet in what we think the judges will do whether it be sending the contestant to "Hollywood or Home"? We'll post what we think of this new addition at the end of this recap during our Final Thoughts section.
Hollywood or Home Contestant
56% said she would go to Hollywood. And they were right. But we don't really know anything about her, whether it be her name, or age, or anything. But at least the public got to vote....
Shanon Wilson(24)
He is a big dude, with a very soft voice, and I kinda dig it. I don't like the song choice, but maybe on another song he would do better. He goes really falsetto on some of the lines.All 3 agree he is going to Hollywood. Notable Comment: JENNIFER-I Want You. Period.
Stephanie Petronelli(22)
She walks in her cheerleading uniform, (with the stomach shown and little clothes), I guess to stand out. She has a very raspy voice, like very super raspy. Harry doesn't think her voice can sustain and says "No". Jennifer thinks she is good enough and Keith just barely agrees. Then all the other cheerleaders come in. Notable Comment: JENNIFER: Judged a book by it's cover. Not a lot of cover, but the voice was surprisingly good.
Durann Cree(17)
I like her, but I think her voice is kind of hit or miss. They all think she has a lot of work to do. Harry says "No", Jennifer says "Yes" but Keith eventually says "No". Notable Comment: HARRY-She's probably a big fish in a little pond.
The Chamber
Right after Ryan Seacrest allows the contestants in but before they go into the judge's room they go into this little tiny closet called "The Chamber". When the light goes green in the room, it's showtime. I guess this is supposed to better than Ryan telling them to just go in, and they are in the judge's room. Again, this new addition will be discussed in the Final Thought section found below.
Savion Wright(21)
He waited for 8 years to get here. Didn't think he was creative enough yet, so he didn't want to try out until he felt right. He is diagnosed with ADHD. He sings an original. He is cool, he plays the guitar really well. They think he performs with everything he's got. He gets 3 fake "No's" and then immediately gets 3 big "Yes's". Notable Comment:HARRY-I'm Chris Issak. Wicked Games.
15 Seconds Contestants
We get to see a few seconds of these contestants sing and their story, but not a ton more than that. But they each are going to Hollywood:
Terrica Curry(20)
Justin Fira(24)
Shelby Comey(15)
Madelyn Patterson(22)
She did a lot in her few seconds. She has a decent enough voice, but it didn't bowl me over. Harry wasn't overly impressed but Keith and Jennifer send her on her way to Hollywood. Notable Comment: JENNIFER-Don't say another word.
Guitar Contestants
We see 3 contestants play guitars and Viviana plays ukelele. All 3 are going to Hollywood.
-Viviana Villalon(19)
-Savannah Young(17)
-Ben Boon(22)
Malcolm Allen(22)
He is jealous that he doesn't know how to play the guitar, and pretends he has one. But when he loses the skit of playing air guitar he sounds amazing. His voice is really right on it.Notable Comment: JENNIFER-A Triple Yes. He is a natural.
Rolando Guerrero(21)
He loves Jennifer Lopez a ton, he starts crying when he sees her, he just repeats her full name countless times. Then he tries to sing one of her songs. Didn't work out. All 3 give him "No's".Notable Comment: HARRY-You know you're a superstar when they call you by your whole name.
Muhfarid Zandi(19)
Harry loves that he knows who he is so he picks him up. He is cool and has a very sweet voice. He hits some really fun runs. On the last song Harry picks him up and carries him like a baby while Muhfarid starts singing "I just wanna hold you close...". Really funny. All 3 judges send him to Hollywood.Notable Comment: HARRY-If you blow us away on the first one, I'll pick you up and hold you like a baby on the second song.
21 From the Austin Auditions and 25 from Boston. 46 Going to Hollywood.
Favorite of the Night
Savion Wright. I love that he waited 8 years to perform on American Idol. He knew he wasn't ready and decided to wait, rather than try out and get cut or eliminated too soon. He has a great personality and a lot of talent.
Final Thoughts
-Harry Connick Jr is a breath of fresh air. He is quick, and funny and very knowledgeable. He makes everyone seem funnier, which is hard to do sometimes. I have wanted Harry on the panel since Simon Cowell left 4 seasons ago, so I am glad he is around and I can't wait to see how he does this season. The last bit when he picked up the contestant and allowed him to sing in his arms was one of the funniest things I have seen on Idol in years.
-I don't really like the new bit "Hollywood or Home". It's really a stretch. I know they are trying to get in on the tweeting public that "The Voice" and even "X Factor" utilize, but it's just a no nothing kind of bit. Who cares if we are right or wrong in our predictions? Plus we didn't even get to see more than 3 seconds of the contestant, so what does that mean? If they wanted to show us a whole audition, and then pause it so we could guess, then maybe that could be something, but in this formation it is just a waste of time.
-"The Chamber" element to the show is more for the contestants at the auditions then the people at home. When the contestants physically go into the audition room with the judges has no impact on how I think of the contestant as a singer. It's probably nice for the contestants that they get another few seconds to compose themselves, but for me it doesn't do much.
-I like that the contestants actually get a golden ticket rather than a gold/yellow piece of paper. It's much more "Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory" this way.
Well there you have it. The first episode of the season is officially in the books, and we are on our way. I hope you enjoyed the recap, we will be back after tomorrow night's episode. So until then...see ya!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Welcome Back-Best Runners-Up Edition
Welcome back. Well we are less than a week away from Season 13 of American Idol. With new judge Harry Connick Jr, returning judge Jennifer Lopez and the lone remain of last season Keith Urban we are in for a very different Idol season. I am cautiously optimistic. Before we knock the mess of last season with the judges and the lack of a decent male contestant the winner Candice Glover was a very good one. In fact, the runner up Kree Harrison is one of the best runner-ups Idol has ever produced.
Which leads us to this little warm up to the new Idol season. This is all about the runner ups. We are gonna rank the Top 12 runner ups. It's a little different than what other blogs, or websites do, and we hope you like it. So here we go:
The Criteria Based On:
1.How well they did week to week,
2. Their popularity,
3.If they shoulda/coulda win,
4.Would they have been a better winner than the winner we got?
Top 12 Runners- Up
11th Best Runner-Up
9th Best Runner-Up
8th Best Runner-Up
7th Best Runner-Up
6th Best Runner-Up
5th Best Runner-Up
4th Best Runner-Up
3rd Best Runner-Up
2nd Best Runner-Up
The Best American Idol Runner-Up
Which leads us to this little warm up to the new Idol season. This is all about the runner ups. We are gonna rank the Top 12 runner ups. It's a little different than what other blogs, or websites do, and we hope you like it. So here we go:
The Criteria Based On:
1.How well they did week to week,
2. Their popularity,
3.If they shoulda/coulda win,
4.Would they have been a better winner than the winner we got?
Top 12 Runners- Up
12th Best Runner-Up
Blake Lewis(Season 6)
As much as he might have deserved to be in the Top 3, given that the season lacked some dynamic contestants, the next best singer Melinda Doolittle was out a week early at number 3. Plus the right winner won. So he did a great job getting there with his beat boxing and all that, but the title belonged to Jordin Sparks.
Best Song:You Give Love A Bad Name
11th Best Runner-Up
Diana DeGarmo(Season 3)
She was by far the best choice to be number 2 after potential winner Latoya London and future Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson were eliminated, but Fantasia killed it those final few weeks. Diana did a really nice job along the way but came up just a bit short.
Best Song: Don't Cry(Out Loud)
10th Best Runner-Up
Lauren Alaina(Season 10)
In the battle of the country stars, eventual winner Scotty McCreery dominated, but in a season with a mixed group of rock(James Durbin), soul (Hailey Reinhart) and shockers(Pia Toscano), Lauren Alaina did a great job getting to stand by McCreery as he rightfully won the crown.
Best Song: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing(Her Audition)
9th Best Runner-Up
Bo Bice(Season 4)
When the winner of Season 4 is easily one, of if not the most successful Idol winner, it's tough to say that he deserved to win. Thus Bo Bice's low ranking on this list. Not saying Bice didn't deserve to be Number 2, because he does, but Carrie Underwood deserved and has proven why she won her season.
Best Song: Vehicle
8th Best Runner-Up
Justin Guarini(Season 1)
The same reason for Guarini's low ranking as Bo Bice's, the eventual winner is one of the most successful winners of the show. Guarini gave eventual winner Kelly Clarkson a run for her money. Plus when other stand out Tamyra Gray was eliminated it proved anything could happen, but the right winner won, despite Guarini's popularity and solid performances week to week.
Best Song: Get Here
7th Best Runner-Up
Katherine McPhee(Season 5)
After Chris Daughtry was shockingly eliminated Katherine McPhee was a very popular contestant. She delievered really beautiful and heartfelt performances, especially the last number of weeks in the competition. I thought she was able to take the crown, but eventual winner Taylor Hicks had his "soul patrol" group of fans. Given his popularity then it's odd that he hasn't done too much since then, but McPhee gave him a good run for his money and would have been a deserving winner.
Best Song: Over The Rainbow
6th Best Runner-Up
David Archuleta(Season 7)
David Cook earned the win, there is no denying how popular David
Archuleta was during Season 7. I was always more a fan of Cook, but The 'Battle of the Davids', was really quite a showdown.
They both were very popular and very successful week to week. I think
David Cook had a great finale night, while Archuleta's was just pretty
good. By only that much did Archuleta lose the crown, it was that
Best Song: Imagine
5th Best Runner-Up
Kree Harrison(Season 12)
I actually went into the finale last season thinking that whoever won was gonna be a great winner and Candice Glover winning was really outstanding, but Kree Harrison would have been equally as deserving. Glover and Harrison each delivered week to week, but Glover had a few more stand out performances that are Top 10 American Idol history worthy. But Harrison was a great runner up that if Glover didn't win, then it should have been her.
Best Song: Up To The Mountain
4th Best Runner-Up
Crystal Bowersox(Season 9)
This is an easy one. Bowersox was the clear favorite going into the Top 10, but peaked a little early, while DeWyze peaked right at the final few weeks. Bowersox had more stand out performances, took more chances, and was more enjoyable to listen to, but yet faltered just a bit at the wrong moment. She actually won the finale, in my opinion, but couldn't recover from DeWyze's great last few weeks and performances. But she still could have and should have taken the crown.
Best Song: Me and Bobby McGee
3rd Best Runner-Up
Jessica Sanchez(Season 11)
This wasn't an easy choice, because I think Phillip Phillips was a very deserving winner, but I also think that Jessica Sanchez could have been one too. Not only did she have the redemption story, of getting eliminated early and then saved by the judges, but she had many many stand out performances. Phillips was popular from the start, and that helped his fan base grow and grow, but Sanchez was easily the most consistent and entertaining performer of the two.
Best Song: I Will Always Love You
2nd Best Runner-Up
Clay Aiken(Season 2)
I have nothing against Ruben Studdard. I think he did a really solid job in his season, but Clay Aiken was an amazing contestant. He made 40 or 50 year old songs current, he delivered every single week, and was very popular. Ruben was very solid and popular, thus his win, but he didn't change things up or make things incredibly entertaining. He was a likeable guy, with a great voice. The battle between Aiken and Studdard is still one of the highest recorded finales in Idol history with viewers and votes. Aiken should have won his season.
Best Song: Bridge Over Troubled Water
The Best American Idol Runner-Up
Adam Lambert(Season 8)
This was not a hard decision. I am not taking away anything from Kris Allen and his run on the show, but in the many many weeks of the Idol season Kris Allen was the standout maybe twice. He was always a middle of the road kind of performer until a couple weeks before the finale. Adam Lambert was Season 8. He changed every single song on its head. He made old songs new again, he made new songs even more current and different. I think that Lambert didn't appeal to some of the viewers for reasons other than his voice and that's the only reason I think that good looking, married to a pretty girl, Kris Allen stole some viewers. Lambert has done very well post-Idol despite not winning the season, but he still should have won.
Best Song: Mad World
Well there ya have it. The Top 12 Runners-Up. I hope you enjoyed revisiting some of the past contestants and I hope you come back here 1 week from tonight, January 15th, for the first recap of American Idol Season 13 right here on IdolBeTheJudge. We look forward to another fun season of recapping. If you ever have any comments or questions please leave them below and we will get back to you. Thanks so much and I hope you all come back next Wednesday, until then...see ya!
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