Musical Interlude #1: Fantasia. We actually haven't seen Fantasia on the American Idol stage in awhile. They always have the past American Idol winners come by during the season or most likely during the season finale but she was on Broadway for awhile and hasn't come back. So it's good to see her. I know that in the past Simon has called Fantasia his favorite winner so it's nice she came back considering he only has a few episodes left.
The stools have moved and the 4 finalists are sitting in the middle of the stage. I guess no more Bottom 3 considering there is only 4 left, but having them in the middle of the stage is a little awkward. Speaking of awkward...
Ford Music Video: I really am curious how many people have purchased a Ford due to those "commercials". I'm guessing the number of people doesn't equal the cost of making one of those commercials.
Past Top 3 Hometown Visits: A little behind the scenes video on the past season's Top 3 hometown visits. Next week the Top 3 will have theirs. Although it's filler, I do enjoy seeing some of the former contestants again, if only in video.
Ryan asks the contestants what it would feel like to go back home and be a part of the Top 3. Then Ryan shows us the families/friends of each of the contestants sitting on the couches on stage, less than 10 feet away. Since one of these people are definitely going it's going to be way awkward pretty soon.
Onto The Results:
Casey=SAFE. Strange they would start off with him but maybe there will be a shocker tonight. Who knows? I guess we all will, shortly.
Musical Interlude #2: Daughtry. I have absolutely nothing against Daughtry but to me, he is one of the reasons why American Idol has lost some of it's thunder and impact over the years. He has proven that you don't need to win, or even come super close to winning to have a successful music career. That's why when I read or hear contestants from this season or last say that just making it the Top 10 or Top 5 is really enough and everything else is bonus, then it really pisses me off and takes away the competition aspect of the show and diminishes the importance of the show.
After he sings Ellen and Randy tell the contestants that they need to bring the fire and enthusiasm and drive just like Daughtry just did every single week from here on out. I think the judges have been getting a little antsy that no one has been stepping it up consistently for weeks now. It'll be tough to remove the fact that this is probably one of the weakest seasons of American Idol ever, but if the Top 3 can step it up then it could only help.
Back To The Results
In No Particular Order.
Crystal and Mike are left. As Ryan said it's in No Particular Order so this isn't necessarily the Bottom 2. For all we know the Bottom 2 could be Casey and either Mike or Crystal. My only hope is that if Mike was Safe they wouldn't have had him be left in the "Bottom 2" for the 5th or 6th time this season. Getting a little nervous about Crystal but hopefully this will be wiped away shortly.
Musical Interlude #3: Bon Jovi. I'm only really thinking about Crystal and her not going home but Bon Jovi is definitely pretty cool.
Who's Sent Home? Mike.
Final Thoughts: Mike was due to go home for several weeks. I definitely am glad Crystal didn't go but if they wanted to fool people a little more they would have had the Bottom 2 as Casey and Mike. But it's all good. Since Mike got all the way to the Top 4 I guess the judge's save wasn't for nothing. He will be the reason that the Judge's Save will probably remain a staple on American Idol. Because he did so well and survived he might save a contestant next season or season's to come. So, for that, maybe the judge's save was used on the right person. Last thing before we go, does anyone else notice that Lee talks way too much for a guy who always seems uncomfortable on stage when not singing? He has to shorten the sentences a little, I know that the show is an hour but he doesn't have to fill it all up with his nonsensical sentences. Either way, Goodbye Big Mike. Crystal, Casey & Lee Welcome to the Top 3.

Please join us next week for the penultimate episode of American Idol. The Top 3 will be singing 2 songs each. See you back here directly after Tuesday's show.
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