Saturday, November 20, 2010
New Night, New Time, Same Result?
Also it was announced that the Top 24 would be gone. It seems that they are eliminating that round altogether and going straight to the Top 12. No word on what they will fill in those 3 weeks that the Top 24 used to be around, but there you have it. I actually did like seeing the contestants a few times before they made it onto the "big stage", but it did get redundant for awhile. I might have just dropped the number to maybe Top 20, and maybe only have 2 weeks instead of 3, but that is their call, I'm just reporting it.
I have no doubt that American Idol will do pretty well on Wednesdays, there isn't too much competition at Wednesdays at 8pm other than Survivor. They might lose some viewers in the 9pm slot due to shows like Modern Family on Wednesdays and Big Bang Theory on Thursdays at 8pm. Other than that American Idol seems to still be the projected winner. Plus they don't have to deal with Dancing with The Stars Results show on Tuesdays anymore, which they were actually losing to in some instances.
We'll see how it all plays out, please stay tuned to I'dol Be The Judge for more breaking news and fun facts along the way.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The 3 American Idol Judges Finally In Place

The worst kept rumor/secret is now finally out, Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are the new panel for this upcoming season of American Idol. How long it will last? How will the 3 of them work together? Will it be a trainwreck? All those answers will be known very shortly, but until then we get to speculate until January when the first episodes of Season 10 of American Idol will be revealed.
Maybe now that the judges are in place we can get back to the actual show and only hope that Season 10's crop of contestants are better than the previous season's. American Idol is probably coming off it's worst year, talent-wise, so now it's time to get back to having dynamic, relevant contestants.
Good luck to Randy, Jennifer and Steven, it should be an interesting ride.
Continue to follow us on I'dol Be The Judge for all the breaking news and topics revolving the crazy show called American Idol.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Kara Goes Bye-Bye

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Judges, We Don't Need No Stinkin Judges

As of early Thursday morning, August 19, the judges officially confirmed for Season 10 is.....Randy Jackson. There soon may be an announcement that Steven Tyler has signed on to the show.Jennifer Lopez is rumored to still be in the running despite rumors that her demands were too high. Also in the running is Shania Twain, if the Jennifer Lopez signing doesn't happen. Hopefully American Idol will announce the judges and finally let the nonsense stop. Keep checking back in with I'dol Be The Judge for all the latest news and announcements.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Ellen Degeneres Exits American Idol

In pretty breaking news, Ellen Degeneres has decided to leave American Idol. It might have been easily very mutual. Ellen was perfect during Hollywood Week, she was funny, had great energy and made people feel comfortable. But when we got to the live weeks it just never fit. She was repetitive, unfunny(only a few lines here or there that were funny) and didn't really judge the singers. Since the whole point of her being on the show was to judge and be funny and couldn't really produce that, it definitely was a good choice to let go.
On a very related note, there is discussion that Kara DioGuardi might also not be returning. Despite a rough first year, I believe she was very on point for the most part during the season. She gave relatively good and useful feedback and was much more concise than Ellen or Randy were combined. I hope she does return, but given the up in the air-ness of American Idol right now it's possible she will not return. Especially if the rumor of Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Simpson join the panel.
Please come back to I'dol Be The Judge for more insight into the new formation of American Idol. On Monday August 2nd, FOX and American Idol will be holding their annual summer announcements, so expect some news to come from that.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Ways To Fix American Idol: Part 1
In the past few weeks or so American Idol itself has decided to change a few things that they saw weren't working. First of all they have decided to reduce the results show from an hour long to only 30 minutes, which is still 29 minutes too long, but at least they are doing what they can. They have recently decided not to jump into finding a Simon replacement too quickly. There were rumors of Jamie Foxx or Brett Michaels, but I definetly think waiting for the right person is the best idea. But just as I give them credit for a few ideas they go and find a stupid one. They have now announced they are reducing the minimum age of contestants from 16 to 15. Yes, all we need is more Aaron Kellys and Katie Stevens'(it actually took me a minute to remember her last name).
So we at I'dol Be The Judge have decided to put out our list of Ways To Fix American Idol. This is Part 1 of many installments that you will get only here at I'dol Be The Judge:
1. More Behind The Scenes. Show us what it took for them to choose their song right before we actually see them perform instead of on Results Show when it is too late. Sometimes learning the meaning behind a song will make people get on board with you even if you don’t sing it all too well. Which leads to…
2. Better Mentors. Harry Connick Jr and Adam Lambert were fantastic and right on point during the mentoring sessions, but it’s nothing a mentor can’t do. Each mentor should have at least have watched a few performances of the contestants they are working with. Then take those contestants through the song book and pick out a song that suits their voice, together. I know that most of them are only there to promote an album but that’s the problem. Which again leads us to...
3. Tweak Results Night. Luckily after many years of having the show an hour long the results show will be condensed to 30 minutes. Obviously that is still a lot of time. So tweak it. Maybe have relevant performances, instead of random acts that have nothing to do with the theme week. Also, the musical act should be required to sound better than the crop of contestants left. No offense to Shakira, but during Shania Twain week, Shania Twain didn’t even perform. That’s ridiculous.
4. Reduce Ryan Seacrest. I understand that he has become increasingly more famous over the years, but his job as host has made his head pretty big. He gets into awkward conversations with the contestants and the judges and oversteps his role. His only job is to announce the contestant and say some numbers, I don’t think he should be giving his opinion, or try to make a contestant say something they aren’t comfortable with. If you didn’t see Ryan trying to pry information out of this season’s Didi Benami then you missed one of the most awkward and uncomfortable moments in 9 Seasons of the show, and that is saying a lot. A small recap, she sang a song about one of her friends who had passed away, didn’t want to share that information, but Ryan wouldn’t let it drop and continued to announce the reason for Didi’s choice. Result, Didi went home that week. Not saying that it was because of that and not because of the way she sang the song, but Ryan’s interaction with her didn’t help.
5. Best Top 12, Not Best Gender. This season was the clearest case that something was way off. Other than last season and maybe one before, the Top 12 has been comprised of 6 males and 6 females, instead of the Best Top 12. This season clearly proved that choosing gender over talent is wrong, the clearest example of this was by including Tim Urban into the Top 12 while Lily Scott and Katelyn Epperly were eliminated in the Top 14. I know that they should have been there over Paige Davis and Lacey Brown, but there is no way that Tim Urban was better than either Katleyn or Lily. They need to allow the Best 12 finalists in. By only having 6 males and 6 females it limits the talent pool considerably. I sure rather have 8 fabulous females and 4 solid guys over the mess of 6 fabulous females and 6 okay guys. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
6. Reduce Audition Rounds. When January rolls around it’s been nearly 7 months since the finale of the past season and everyone is excited for American Idol. But after week after week of audition rounds it gets to be boring and unfunny. How many times can we laugh at people who believe they can sing but really can’t. I like that they have started to include better performances over the past couple seasons but it’s still not nearly enough. The only problem is that when there are good performances we know they almost always make it. Leading us to the next problem area...
7. Reduce Amount of Heartfelt Background Contestant Packages. Almost every single time they show us a contestant’s home life and where they came from and how they got to where they are the contestants end up always making it to Hollywood. There is no shock anymore. Obviously if American Idol spends time and money to show us a contestant’s home life they are going to make it to the next round. They wouldn’t take time to show a contestant if they are going to get cut before Hollywood week. If they reduce the amount of Background Packages or even add a few from contestants who don’t end up making it then it would add some excitement to the rather boring audition rounds.
Please Join Us Back Here For Another Installment of Ways To Fix American Idol.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The American Idol Is Crowned 2010: Finale Part 2

Welcome back. It's been a long couple days or so and we are back with the full recap of the American Idol finale. I know that it's not news anymore but this is "I'dol Be The Judge"'s take on the show.
Before I begin I want to thank anyone and everyone who has read "I'dol Be The Judge" over the past couple of months. It's been fun and we hope to be back next season. Please come back within a week or so for our next entry on "Ways To Fix American Idol". That will be a fun post.
But that's not why we're here today. We are here to talk about Lee DeWyze, Crystal Bowersox and the American Idol Finale. Ryan informs us only 2% of the vote seperated Lee & Crystal, so it should be interesting.
Judge's Are Introduced: For the last time Simon Cowell is introduced as a Judge on American Idol. He gets a large round of applause and even Randy Jackson gives him a standing ovation.
Top 12 Sing: They sing "School's Out For Summer". Orianthi plays the guitar and Alice Cooper comes out stage and we quickly remember how awful the Top 12 really were. Luckily, their voices are pretty drowned out by the loudness of the band and inclusion of Alice Cooper and the backup singers.
Reigning American Idol Champion Performance: Kris Allen, handing over his title to either Lee or Crystal. Allen definetly needed to win last year just so he can make his appearance on the American Idol finale every year. It will keep him in an elite group forever. Adam Lambert has made a name for himself outside of American Idol and has proven that he didn't really need the win. So in that respect I can understand the judge's push to make Lee the winner. They probably believe that Crystal doesn't really need it as much because she is so much more skilled vocally. They pretty much said as much. Despite past non-winner's clams that just making it to the Top 10 is enough, Kris Allen, Taylor Hicks & Ruben Studdard prove that winning is incredibly important because outside of American Idol it's a bit rough out there, sometimes you have to win. Thus making tonight pretty important, especially to Lee.
Simon Cowell Retrospective on Being The Consumate Professional: They begin to show clips of Simon being Simon. Ryan, Kara, Ellen, Randy, even Paul Abdul each have a take on Simon. One of my favorite clips of Simon was during an audition he begins to eat some potato chips and slurping his drink.
Siobhan & Aaron Perform: They sing "How Deep is Your Love" with the Bee Gees. Pretty cool. I don't see a lot of connection to Siobhan and Aaron but having the Bee Gees is interesting.
Michael Lynche Performs: He sings "Takin it To The Streets" with Michael McDonald of Doobie Brothers fame. So far American Idol is definetly targeting an older audience with The Bee Gees and Michael McDonald but I guess it's better than Justin Bieber.
Simon's Greatest Insults: Dane Cook sings some of Simon's greatest insults. It's more of a roast then anything else. Then some of the more "memorable" bad performers from auditions come out on stage. I guess it was kind of funny. I think it was probably a better concept then how it actually panned out.
The Ladies Perform: Siobhan, Crystal, Paige, Lacey, Didi & Katie sing Christina Aguliera's "Beautiful" and "Stronger". Lacey and Paige really are still pretty bad. Didi, Katie, Siobhan and obviously Crystal sounded pretty good. Didi definetly left the competition too early.
Christina Aguliera Performance: She finishes up "Stronger" with the ladies and then sings her new song. No shock that she came out to perform given they sang 2 of her songs. Aguliera definetly has one of the strongest female voices out there. She's been gone for awhile but her voice is still as great as always.
The Men Perform: They sing Hall & Oates' "I Can't Go For That" & "Maneater", I wonder who is going to come out next...
Hall & Oates Performance: Again, no shocker that they come out after the boys sang a couple of their tunes. They sing their old tunes. Sounds good.
Crystal Performs: She sings Alanis Morrisette's "Ironic" and then Alanis Morrisette comes out and she and Crystal sing "You Oughta Know". They had to change a couple of the lyrics since American Idol is on broadcast television. Their voices compliment each other really well. They sound different in parts and then sound kind of similar interestingly.
Carrie Underwood Performs: She sings her new song "Undo It". It was 5 years ago that she was crowned American Idol. She is at least tied with or at this point might have even passed Kelly Clarkson as the most popular American Idol winner. Unlike most of the other winners, American Idol isn't nessarily the first thing people think of when they think of her. To me, that's the biggest sign of success for an American Idol winner.
Lee & Crystal Ford Music Video: Crystal and Lee are first awarded new Ford cars. They are kind of subdued when they realize that they won. Kind of on par with the season as a whole I say. At least they didn't win Toyotas.
Casey James Performs: He sings "Every Rose Has It's Thorn". Then Bret Michaels of Poison comes out and joins Casey. Given the guy was in the hospital recently with a brain hemmorage Bret Michaels looks and sounds pretty good. Plus he is rumored to be a possible Simon Cowell replacement. Though a lot of names are being thrown so we'll see on that one.
Lee Performs: Lee performs with the namesake of his hometown, Chicago. They sing a medly of their songs. He sounds and looks so much more relaxed then performance night. No one ever said the guy doesn't have talent, it's just he let the performance night overtake him. When he is in his groove, his in his groove.
Simon Cowell Retrospective on Being a Flirt: This clip package is pretty cute. They show some moments with Paula and some of the past audtions with girls fliriting with him.
Pants On The Ground: For a few minutes back in the Winter, "Pants On The Ground" was a pretty big deal. Everyone was talking about it. It was pretty funny and American Idol isn't one to let something like that go. They squeeze every last drop of funny out of every moment.
Simon & Paula: They show a clip package of Simon and Paula's good, bad and...different moments. Then live on the stage Paula Abdul comes out. She gets a huge standing ovation. She never had a sendoff herself so I am glad she came back. She looks great, is pretty coherent, and is pretty funny. Paula was always pretty funny when she had a script in front of her, and it only got interesting when she would have to think on the fly or if her Coca-Cola cup was filled with something other than Coca Cola.
Goodbye Simon Retrospective: To Frank Sinatra's tune of "My Way" they show many of Simon's greatest moments. He really did do a lot for not only American Idol but television in general. He made being honest the in thing to do. The whole reality dynamic changed because of American Idol but mostly because of Simon Cowell. They end the package with Simon saying to American Idol and its audience, "Thank You, I'm Going To Miss You". In reality, we definetly are going to miss him. No matter what, the show will forever be drastically different. If it lasts 2 more seasons or 8 more it won't matter, it's best years were with Randy, Paula & Simon. So Thanks Simon for a great 9 years.
The Past American Idol Winners Perform for Simon: Sans David Cook(who had a previous committment to a charity event), all the past American Idol winners sing together on stage all dressed in black. They sing "Together We Are One". No matter how many contestants auditioned or made the Top 10 over the years, only 8 people can go up on that stage and say they are the American Idol winner. It's an elite club that Lee or Crystal will soon join. Then many memorable contestants come out on stage all dressed in white. From just panning quickly on stage it consited of many of the runners up and former Top 10 contestants, like Justin Guarini, Bo Bice and others. Simon says a few words and thanks everyone from the bottom of his heart.
Getting back to Lee & Crystal and the Top 12:
Janet Jackson & The Top 12: They sing Janet Jackson's "Again", then she comes out on stage with an incredibly short haircut. She actually looks incredibly beautiful. Not a lot of people can pull off that kind of haircut. She then sings "Nothing" and then "Nasty". A bit of trivia many people know is that Paula Abdul choreographed Janet's "Nasty" music video back in the 80s. So it's all full circle. She still has it after all these years.
Lee & Crystal Retrospective: They show us a clip package of Lee & Crystal's journey to the finals.
Lee & Crystal Perform: Lee & Crystal sing "With a Little Help From My Friends". The Joe Cocker version not the Beatles version. Most notably utilized as the Wonder Years theme song.
And after all these months it is time for the winner to be announced, either Crystal Bowersox or Lee Dewyze.
And The Winner Is.....: Lee DeWyze. He almost passes out when Ryan announces his name. The Top 12 rush to give Lee hugs. Lee begins to get emotional and is in just total disbelief and shock. I kind of feel the same way. After getting pretty severly beaten during performance night, I thought it was more of a foregone conclusion that Crystal had it in the bag, but that obviously is not the case. Lee is a genuine guy and really does have a great voice. Congratulations to him. To end the night Lee sings his new single "Beautiful Day.
Final Thoughts on Lee & Crystal: Well, in a few short days I will be posting ways to fix American Idol and how and why Lee DeWyze won will be included. I'm not saying that Lee DeWyze wasn't a decent contestant and probably one of the more interesting story, but that's not a reason to win. It should be based on performances and he just got blown away during the Finale. But as I said, Lee was a decent contestant, although Crystal Bowersox was the overall better performer and carried the show on her own at several points during the season. She lost a little momentum over the past couple weeks and that was her ultimate downfall. Another factor, which can't be overlooked is Casey James. Casey James had plenty of teen girl votes and when he left, more than likely those teen girls went to the other cute boy, Lee. They probably did not go to Crystal. I truly believe that if someone like Siobhan was in the Final 3 with Crystal and Lee, then Crystal would have had Siobhan's fans and probably would have won. But again, we can't go back. Congratulations to Lee DeWyze.

Thanks again to all those that came to I'dol Be The Judge. As I said we will be back shortly on the "Ways to Fix American Idol". They are plentiful so stick around for that. Thanks for joining us for Season 9. Have a great summer and we will see you back here soon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The American Idol Is Crowned: Finale Part 1
But for those needing to know right away. The American Idol is....Lee Dewyze. Despite an off night and Crystal's reemergence after a few difficult weeks, Lee still came out on top.
We have known for several years now that it is only teen girls calling and voting in large numbers, and despite Crystal blowing Lee out of the water last night, he was able to carry all the good vibes of last week and a whole lot of momentum and win it all.
As I said the Full Idol Be The Judge Blog will be posted at a later time, but congratulations to both Crystal Bowersox for being a consummate pro, and to Lee DeWyze for winning. Where he will rank in American Idol winners is anyone's guess, but for tonight, he is on top of the world.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Top 2 Finale Performance Show

Welcome back. Well, it's been a long, long season. Many memorable and not so memorable contestants and moments this year, but we've finally made it. We are down to Crystal and Lee. Front runner Crystal Bowersox has had a few okay weeks while Lee definitely has the momentum. We'll see if Crystal can get back to her winning ways and make us forget about her rough spots, or can Lee take all of the positive feedback and unbelievable judge's praise and take it for the win?
On the "Ellen Degeneres Show" Simon Cowell said that if it was a 4-5 weeks ago then Crystal would have won hands down, but now he thinks Lee will win it. But as he said, he's been wrong about the winner the past couple years, first thinking David Archuleta would win against David Cook then Adam Lambert over Kris Allen. We'll see what happens, only Crystal and Lee can determine the outcome...oh and the American audience. Ryan flipped a coin last week determining who would go first and second, Crystal won the toss and decided to go second. They will be singing 3 songs. Their favorite performance,the executive producer's choice and what their single will be if they win. Let's get to it.
How Did The Contestants Do?

Lee(The Boxer, from Inspirational Week): Lee chose this as his favorite performance, and for me, it was my favorite Lee performance, although Treat Her Like A Lady was pretty good as well. For this performance he changed it a little from last time out. He's added a little more band arrangement, more chimes and drums. Really decent start. Randy thought Lee sounded good but needs a little more energy. Kara agreed with Randy and said he needs to fight a little more. Simon said he expected more passion and excitement and said it was like a kiss on the cheek when he wants a kiss on the lips, but not from Lee. Funny. I agree, but he has 2 more songs so we will see how that goes. Grade=B-


Musical Interlude: Will Young, from Pop Idol U.K, Sings The American Idol Departure Song. Definitely a beautiful song. The highlights of the season play over his voice.
How Was The Show?: Going into the show I didn't mind who won either way. They both have done a great job and were both the standouts. I thought Lee had the momentum going into tonight but it could go either way. But after tonight's episode Crystal has to win. It used to be Lee & Crystal and everybody else, but tonight it was definitely Crystal and Lee became like everyone else. She completely proved why she is much more a seasoned performer than Lee. Lee got swallowed up by the moment and the intensity of the night, while Crystal continued to just put on a concert. Crystal did everything right while Lee kept getting in his own way.
Every week I have written who I think should be voted out, this week I will post who I think will win.
Who Should Win? Crystal. She has been the most consistent contestant this entire season. She carried the show when the show needed a bright light on a terrible crop of contestants. She by far outperformed Lee tonight on every single song. She said the right thing, especially right before Simon gave his critique she gave him a few nice sentiments and thanked him for his work. Simon even got a little misty eyed when she said that. Crystal was a class act then and though her songs and deserves to win.
We'll see you right back here tomorrow when the American Idol winner will be crowned.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Top 3 Results Show
Let's Get to The...Oh Wait A Minute. This is American Idol, first we get some more talking and filler. We get the Top 3's take on their experience on the show. It's an hour show there is a lot of filler tonight. Casey admits he never imagined winning nor did he ever think he would get this far. Crystal said that she has thought about winning and is cool with whatever happens but definitely wants to win. Lee wants to win actually he says he really wants to win. Other than that we just get 5 minutes of Ryan trying to be the next Oprah.
Hometown Visit #1: Casey James. Casey just seems like a nice Texas guy. He definitely has a large female fan base. Casey visits the hospital and the doctors and nurses that helped him after he was in an accident a few years back. It really got him emotional. We will see if his large fan base pushed him through this week, he's going to need a lot of help.
Musical Interlude #1: Travis Garland. I've not only never heard of the song he is singing but never heard of him before. I think there should be a rule that the musical guest actually has to be better than the contestants currently on the show. This guy is quite terrible. He belongs in a boy band from the late 1990s.
Hometown Visit #2: Crystal Bowersox. Crystal's hometown is Toledo, Ohio. Crystal just personifies cool. She's sarcastic, down to earth and extremely well versed. She seems like she is already a superstar, she speaks like a well trained, seasoned professional. Plus her hometown had something called BowerStock, get it, like Woodstock but BowerStock. I dig it. Very cool.
Hometown Visit #3: Lee DeWyze. Lee's hometown is Chicago. Lee gets to throw out the first pitch at the Cubs game, gets hugged by screaming women and men. Lee visits his old job at the Paint store. Probably doesn't seem that long ago but it's really a lifetime since he worked there. Lee gets very emotional and gets choked up at almost every turn. He gets a pretty large turnout during his mini-concert and even gets choked up during his performance. This is a side of Lee that we don't often see.
Musical Interlude #2: Justin Bieber. Sorry, I can't recap this. I honestly can't listen to him. So if you are a Bieber fan please go to Youtube to find his performance but I can't sit through it.
Now, Let's Get To the Results:
First Safe Is? Lee DeWyze. Not a shocker considering the judges fawned all over him last night, plus he really did deserve it.
Next Safe Is? Crystal Bowersox. Deservedly so.
Going Home? Casey James. Definitely the right way to go.
Final Thoughts? Couldn't have asked for a better Final 2 this season. Crystal and Lee deserved to be in the Finals. They were the most consistent and were the most talented of the entire group. Casey gave it a good run and went as far as he could.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Top 3 Performance Show
How Did They Do?
Contestant's Choice:

A very interesting song choice. Not very popular, but like last week he chose one that didn't have his guitar dominate him and he just played along with it. The song ended kind of abruptly and the audience didn't even know to start clapping, but maybe that's the plan...actually probably not. Randy calls the song alright for him. He didn't like how safe and easy Casey's choice was. Ellen also thought Casey didn't bring it. Kara says that this was probably the worst time to sing a song that no one has ever heard of. Simon thought Casey didn't bring it and it was just a bad time for him not to put it all out there. Grade=C+

Crystal(Maybe I'm Amazed: Ellen's Choice): Crystal goes guitar-less and shows a lot of vulnerability even starting on the stairs and ending up on the catwalk behind the judges. She did a beautiful job with this song. She showed a lot of range and power. Randy calls Crystal in it to win it, just like he said to Lee. Ellen said she couldn't have asked for more. Kara thought that Crystal did something with her voice that she hasn't done before, and Crystal agrees. Simon questioned the song choice after initially hearing that Crystal would be singing it, but after hearing it he thought that it brought Crystal to the finals and that she might want to thank Ellen for getting her there. Personally, Crystal brought herself to the Finals if she gets there, and after hearing her compared to Casey, it will be tough for her not to get there. This was one of the best if not the best performance that Crystal has ever given. Grade=A
Lee(Hallelujah: Simon's Choice): An interesting choice for Simon because this song has been done many times before and actually done only a couple months ago by Tim Urban(who actually did a nice job with it). Risky, but the reward is incredibly great if he pulls it off. Lee definitely did something different with that song. The production value might have been a little over the top but Lee really had a great moment that might have propelled him to win the whole thing possibly. Randy thinks that Simon's choice was fantastic and feels Lee really is in it to win it. I kind of feel he said that about 3 times tonight, but we get the picture. Ellen calls Lee's performance stunning. Kara thought that Lee personifies what the show is all about, starting from one place and getting to this kind of moment, and he is the heart of the show this season.Not sure I agree with that either, but again, we get the picture. Simon is very proud of Lee and said he's proved that he is a star and hopes that Lee makes it to the Finals next week. At this point, it would be a crime if he didn't. Grade=A
How Was The Night? For Lee & Crystal the night couldn't have been better. They both proved why they have been the cream of the crop the entire season. It took many months but we are almost there. It took a Tim Urban, a depleted female contestant crop and too many inappropriate Ryan Seacrest moments, but we are almost there. Casey had a rough night. He first chose a song that no one has ever heard of, then took a slow song and made it slower. Crystal on the other hand did something with her voice that propelled her to another level. Lee definitely has stepped up his game. He saw the immense popularity and positive feedback that Crystal was getting and decided to do more with this competition than just be happy to be there like many past contestants have stated. Lee started to really believe that he could win the whole thing, and this changed the way he approached all of his performances from there on out.
Who Should Go Home? Casey. Unfortunately he just isn't nor has he ever been in the same league as Lee & Crystal and tonight proved just that. Casey was the best of the rest, not the best of the best, and if all goes as it should Casey will go home tomorrow night allowing Crystal and Lee to take their deserved place in the Finals.
See you here tomorrow night when we learn who makes it into the Finals next week.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Top 3 Judge's Choice Songs
Crystal Bowersox: Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney & Wings. Chosen by Ellen. I'm never going to say anything is wrong with doing a Beatles or Paul McCartney song, but it's a little disconcerting that Simon didn't choose Crystal's song. There has only been 1 maybe 2 times in American Idol history that Simon didn't choose the song for the eventual winner, the time was in Season 4 he chose for Vonzell Solomon instead of eventual winner Carrie Underwood. Other than that one season he has chosen for the winner. So we'll see how this season plays out.
Casey James: Daughters by John Mayer. Chosen by Kara and Randy. I can definitely see this song for Casey. It's very acoustic and not too big of a song that will bring out the bleating lamb voice that Kara perfectly described a few weeks back. It's going to take a lot for Casey to outdo both Lee &/or Crystal this week but this song might help.
Lee DeWyze: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Chosen by Simon. This song puzzles me. Not because it's a bad song or one that I think Lee can't handle, but because it has actually already been done once this season, actually done nicely by Tim Urban. And it was done a couple seasons back by Jason Castro. I have read many times that people think that Castro's interpretation of that song ranks as one of the best live performances, I don't know if I'd go that far but given I barely remember songs that were sung this season, I actually still do remember Castro's performance so it was pretty memorable I suppose. So, we'll see how Lee handles it.
Hopefully this will keep you going for another couple days. See you back here right after American Idol on Tuesday night.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Top 4 Results Show
Musical Interlude #1: Fantasia. We actually haven't seen Fantasia on the American Idol stage in awhile. They always have the past American Idol winners come by during the season or most likely during the season finale but she was on Broadway for awhile and hasn't come back. So it's good to see her. I know that in the past Simon has called Fantasia his favorite winner so it's nice she came back considering he only has a few episodes left.
The stools have moved and the 4 finalists are sitting in the middle of the stage. I guess no more Bottom 3 considering there is only 4 left, but having them in the middle of the stage is a little awkward. Speaking of awkward...
Ford Music Video: I really am curious how many people have purchased a Ford due to those "commercials". I'm guessing the number of people doesn't equal the cost of making one of those commercials.
Past Top 3 Hometown Visits: A little behind the scenes video on the past season's Top 3 hometown visits. Next week the Top 3 will have theirs. Although it's filler, I do enjoy seeing some of the former contestants again, if only in video.
Ryan asks the contestants what it would feel like to go back home and be a part of the Top 3. Then Ryan shows us the families/friends of each of the contestants sitting on the couches on stage, less than 10 feet away. Since one of these people are definitely going it's going to be way awkward pretty soon.
Onto The Results:
Casey=SAFE. Strange they would start off with him but maybe there will be a shocker tonight. Who knows? I guess we all will, shortly.
Musical Interlude #2: Daughtry. I have absolutely nothing against Daughtry but to me, he is one of the reasons why American Idol has lost some of it's thunder and impact over the years. He has proven that you don't need to win, or even come super close to winning to have a successful music career. That's why when I read or hear contestants from this season or last say that just making it the Top 10 or Top 5 is really enough and everything else is bonus, then it really pisses me off and takes away the competition aspect of the show and diminishes the importance of the show.
After he sings Ellen and Randy tell the contestants that they need to bring the fire and enthusiasm and drive just like Daughtry just did every single week from here on out. I think the judges have been getting a little antsy that no one has been stepping it up consistently for weeks now. It'll be tough to remove the fact that this is probably one of the weakest seasons of American Idol ever, but if the Top 3 can step it up then it could only help.
Back To The Results
In No Particular Order.
Crystal and Mike are left. As Ryan said it's in No Particular Order so this isn't necessarily the Bottom 2. For all we know the Bottom 2 could be Casey and either Mike or Crystal. My only hope is that if Mike was Safe they wouldn't have had him be left in the "Bottom 2" for the 5th or 6th time this season. Getting a little nervous about Crystal but hopefully this will be wiped away shortly.
Musical Interlude #3: Bon Jovi. I'm only really thinking about Crystal and her not going home but Bon Jovi is definitely pretty cool.
Who's Sent Home? Mike.
Final Thoughts: Mike was due to go home for several weeks. I definitely am glad Crystal didn't go but if they wanted to fool people a little more they would have had the Bottom 2 as Casey and Mike. But it's all good. Since Mike got all the way to the Top 4 I guess the judge's save wasn't for nothing. He will be the reason that the Judge's Save will probably remain a staple on American Idol. Because he did so well and survived he might save a contestant next season or season's to come. So, for that, maybe the judge's save was used on the right person. Last thing before we go, does anyone else notice that Lee talks way too much for a guy who always seems uncomfortable on stage when not singing? He has to shorten the sentences a little, I know that the show is an hour but he doesn't have to fill it all up with his nonsensical sentences. Either way, Goodbye Big Mike. Crystal, Casey & Lee Welcome to the Top 3.

Please join us next week for the penultimate episode of American Idol. The Top 3 will be singing 2 songs each. See you back here directly after Tuesday's show.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Top 4: Movie Theme Week
How Did The Contestants Do?

Michael(Will You Be There: Free Willy): Again, a really powerful song, so Michael better make it so good that we forget how unbelievable Michael Jackson was with this song or he will get lost in it. Overall, I'm not very enthused about Michael's performance. I feel he could have done a little more with it and showcased his voice a little more. Randy didn't really "feel" the performance. Ellen feels that Michael was good but found it predictable. Kara was looking for a great performance and didn't think that Michael did that and didn't step outside of his box. Simon feels that Michael tried hard but still could have chosen another song. Grade=C+

Lee & Crystal(Falling Slowly: Once): Dueling acoustic guitars. If I had my choice this would be the Top 2 for me. The beginning was a little rough, but they both pick it up and they sound really nice once the band picked it up. Randy calls it amazing and unbelievable. Ellen calls them the new Captain and Tenille. Kara calls it one of her favorite moments of the entire season and they brought out the best in each other. Simon calls it a fantastic song. They both knocked it out of the park. Grade=A

Crystal(I'm Alright: Caddyshack): Crystal decided to lighten the mood for the night and pick a fun song. Ryan asked Crystal if she thought the judges were hard on her the past couple weeks, she said she did but she's tough and could take it. Her performance tonight was light hearted and seemed like she was having a good time. The judge's thought she was back in the game. Didn't know that Crystal was ever out of the game but either way this was her best week in a few weeks. Grade=A-

How Was The Night?:
Go Big or Go Home. This is my sentiment about tonight. At this point, the contestants shouldn't be just good, they need to go out there and put it all out there. As Ellen told Michael when Michael said he wanted to just make it to the Top 3, at this point in the competition you should be trying to win the whole thing not just getting by. Michael and Lee both had that problem during their individual performances. They played it safe. Lee & Crystal, though, stepped it up way up once they hit their duet together. They both proved whey they should be Top 2, as Kara said their duet was her favorite moment of the season, and it was mine also.
Who Should Go Home? Michael. He has been Bottom 3 or 2 for the majority of the weeks, and I think Casey did just enough to get by this week, but you never know. I think despite Lee's off night he will be safe, and Crystal should glide safely into the Top 3.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Top 5 Results
Group Performance: The Top 5 sings a medley of Frank Sinatra standards. They are definetly playing up the fact that Crystal is the only girl left. Other than that I can always do without the Group Performance.
Ford Music Video: I never understood why they don't sing a song from the week's theme to promote Ford, instead of some random song but it's part of the time wasting-ness of the American Idol Randomness.
How Are Their Tuesdays? We get a clip package of how much the contestants Tuesdays used to be compared to now. Yes, it's really that exciting. I do like the Behind The Scenes aspect, but the results show is just so long that I just want to get to the Results.
Onto The Results:
Lee: After it seems like 10 minutes of question and answers with Ryan and the judges, Lee is SAFE.
Musical Performance # 1: Lady Gaga. She is as crazy as she is talented, so she is definetly very talented. I like her because she is different than a lot of people out there. There is no other performer that looks and creates an atmosphere on stage like she does.
Closer Look into Guest Mentor Harry Connick's Time With the Contestants: Connick Jr is possibly my favorite mentor of all-time. He's hilarious and right on the money, a great combination.
Musical Performance #2: I normally don't really care about his music but after doing such a great job with the contestants I am willing to hear him out, plus he sings "And I Love Her" a Beatles song.
Another Group Performance: The Top 5 sing a medly of Harry Connick Jr songs. Um, okay. They are really kind of pushing it now.
Back To the Results:
Crystal is sent to the far side of the stage. Michael is sent to the middle of the stage. Aaron joins Big Mike. Casey joins Crystal.
Ryan tells Lee to choose which group is safe, he declines.
Ryan tells us that the group that is Bottom 2 is Michael and Aaron, meaning Crystal and Casey are SAFE.
Bottom 2
Michael and Aaron. I thought these guys should have been gone a long time ago. I don't mind who leaves tonight, either one will help the show.
Who's Going Home? Aaron Kelly. He was due to go home for a long time. He is taking it like a champ, smiling and not crying.
Final Thoughts: I've thought that Aaron should go for many many weeks, so I am glad that he is gone. Casey definetly had a worse night than Aaron did last night, but overall Casey has been more consistent. Crystal has to step up her game next week. She easily still could have been the Top vote getter but the judge's are getting a little upset that she isn't pushing herself, and so am I. Lee has to just keep doing what he's doing. To think that Casey or Michael will be at least Top 3 is a little disturbing. By far, this is one of the weaker Top 4's American Idol has ever had. It got a little bit better because Aaron isn't in it, but probably not since Season 3 has the Top 4 been this weak.

Please come back for the Top 4 Performance Show Recap right after next Tuesday's American Idol.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Top 5: Frank Sinatra Week
Harry Connick Jr is mentoring the contestants. Although I couldn't name any original song of his, I know his voice is very Frank Sinatra-Big Bandish, so in that way he's probably a pretty perfect mentor. He is also creating the musical arrangements for the contestants. That's very interesting. I am glad they are featuring the mentor a little bit more and seeing how they really can help the contestants.
With only Crystal left in the supposed "season of the woman", we will see if she is able to rebound from last week, if Aaron can continue being less annoying and if Michael & Casey are able to stay out of the Bottom 2. They really can't hide behind Paige Miles or Katie Stevens anymore, they have to either put up or they go bye bye.
Although American Idol would love to waste as much time as possible, I say:
How Did The Contestants Do?

Aaron(Fly Me To The Moon): Connick Jr is really involved, he is even playing piano for Aaron. But unfortunately it can't hide Aaron's crackly voice. There's just nothing there, he can't sustain a note for more than a half second. On a good note, his hair looks better than it has the past several months. Randy and Ellen feel that Aaron has beautiful vocals. Kara isn't as enthused, thankfully. I don't really get what Randy and Ellen are thinking or hearing. Simon calls Aaron a mouse, but says that he has a likability factor. We are getting to the Top 4, should we keep someone who is likable but not particularly that great vocally? That seems to be the way it is going. I hope not, he should have been gone weeks ago. Grade=C

Casey(Blue Skies) Connick is super into being a mentor. I love it. He is also very funny. Casey doesn't have a guitar which is a nice change. Given he's been Bottom 2, for 2 weeks straight it makes sense to change it up. Plus with Frank Sinatra/Big Band it's tough to have an electric guitar. Unfortunately, Casey is no Big Band singer. He is just brutalizing the song. He is trying to do an impression of Harry Connick doing an impression of Frank Sinatra. Really really rough. That was a long minute and a half for me. Randy calls it Casey's worst performance, and I agree 100%. Even Ellen didn't like it, so it must be bad. Kara I think called his voice like a lamb. Simon said he at least can make his band's gig next week at home. Casey definitely didn't do himself justice, he is definitely in shape to be back in the Bottom 2, possibly going home. Grade=D+
Crystal(Summer Wind): Harry likes Crystal because she is singing about something personal, even though she doesn't say what. He doesn't even give her advice because she knows what to do. She sounds a little light in the beginning, like she's a little nervous, but picks it up towards the middle and her voice gets stronger. Kara and Ellen like the performance. Simon doesn't call it her best performance and it isn't, but it's still solid. Simon tells Crystal to start to step it up and take advantage of the stage and chance. Crystal says that she is and she wants to stay within herself and doesn't want to change because it's American Idol. I agree with both her and the judges, don't change who you are but show you want to win. Sometimes Crystal doesn't really seem like she cares either way. Still, this show needs her to win, and there's really no reason for her not to win, given Casey's dreadful performance. Grade=B

How Was The Show?: Gotta love Harry Connick Jr. I love that he was so involved in the process and was even on stage during the performances. I wish every mentor was so involved and not just there to promote an album or song. Overall the performances were a mixed bag. When Michael has one of the best performances then you know it's probably an off night. No matter who leaves tomorrow this will almost undoubtedly be the weakest Top 4 in American Idol's nine seasons.
Who Should Go Home?: Casey. He has been Bottom 3 or 2 for the past several weeks and even mentor Harry Connick feels that Casey just didn't have it during the live performance.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Top 6 Results Show
Musical Interlude #1: Rascal Flatts. Although I am no big country fan they are quite popular and I can understand why.
--We get a behind the scenes footage of the Ford Music Video. I don't like the video itself so to see a behind the scenes footage is a pretty big waste of time. But besides the last 2 minutes the results show is a waste of time.
--Now we get a Shrek tour by seeing how the contestants see how voices are dubbed. Then Antonio Banderas and Cameron Diaz came to the stage. I wonder if Fox has anything to do with Shrek?
--(With all of these extra curricular activities when do these contestants actually rehearse)
Onto the Results:
Ryan will make 3 groups of 2 on the stage. I hate the little question-answer questions with the contestants, it's just awkward.
Group 1: Siobhan & Lee
Group 2: Aaron & Crystal
Group 3: Michael & Casey
--Ryan then moved Siobhan over towards Michael & Casey and said that they are the Bottom 3. Lee, Crystal and Aaron are all SAFE! Very awkward how Ryan assembled the contestants and how he made Siobhan seem like she's safe but I expect nothing less than awkwardness with Ryan Seacrest. Thankfully Crystal is safe and I don't have to go.
Bottom 3:
--A pretty fair Bottom 3. I would have loved Aaron to go but if Michael goes that would be alright, he really is pretty weak and hasn't had a solid week for several weeks.
Musical Interlude #2: Sons of Sylvia. Um, don't know those guys. I think I might have seen them on a reality show a few years back and they had a different name. But that's about it. They don't really sound that "Country" but maybe that's not what they are going for.
--Someone accidentally turning in probably wouldn't know this was American Idol Results Show if they didn't know, they'd think it was some concert.
Musical Interlude #3: Lady Atebellum. I've heard of these guys. Only know the one song "Need You Now", but it seems to be working out for them.
Musical Interlude # 4: Shakira & Rascal Flatts. No offense but this is getting ridiculous. 4 musical interludes? A kind of weird duet. You normally don't hear these style of voices mixed together.
Back To The Results:
Who's Safe First? Michael
--Pretty surprising.
Bottom 2
--To have one of these 2 gone and Michael and Aaron still around really makes me shudder.
Who's Going Home?Siobhan
--Leaving Crystal as the lone lady. She might have been just a little too all over the place for people.
Final Thoughts: I give Shania Twain a lot of credit. She didn't even perform a song tonight. She really was there just for the mere reason of being a guest mentor. I had a lot of respect for her before but she definitely earned even more. What I don't have respect for is 4 musical interludes. This results show has to be condensed to a half hour. It's just a different show. This isn't American Idol. I wish they used their time more wisely. Maybe give us some more info about these contestants, show us behind the scenes footage of their week. Not of them going to Shrek or Cirque de Soleil but how they chose their songs, how they rehearse, change things up with the musical arrangement. That would be valuable and worth the time.
On Siobhan going home it's sad because Aaron & Michael are staying. Obviously Siobhan wasn't going to win but that's just how it is. Lee & Crystal are obviously Top 2 and how and when the rest of the contestants leave really doesn't matter.

We'll see you next week when the contestants will sing the Songs of Sinatra with Guest Mentor Harry Connick Jr.