In pretty breaking news, Ellen Degeneres has decided to leave American Idol. It might have been easily very mutual. Ellen was perfect during Hollywood Week, she was funny, had great energy and made people feel comfortable. But when we got to the live weeks it just never fit. She was repetitive, unfunny(only a few lines here or there that were funny) and didn't really judge the singers. Since the whole point of her being on the show was to judge and be funny and couldn't really produce that, it definitely was a good choice to let go.
On a very related note, there is discussion that Kara DioGuardi might also not be returning. Despite a rough first year, I believe she was very on point for the most part during the season. She gave relatively good and useful feedback and was much more concise than Ellen or Randy were combined. I hope she does return, but given the up in the air-ness of American Idol right now it's possible she will not return. Especially if the rumor of Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Simpson join the panel.
Please come back to I'dol Be The Judge for more insight into the new formation of American Idol. On Monday August 2nd, FOX and American Idol will be holding their annual summer announcements, so expect some news to come from that.